Chspter Fifty One

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S3Ep12- Fools

Fifty One

AFTER THE DIAZ family and Carla went back home Carla gave the two parents a little talk about how they reacted to the situation (mainly to Eddie who was especially snappy).

"Should I expect some kid's head on a spike at tomorrow's drop off?" Carla asked after Eddie got off the phone with the principal.

"Dark." Eve muttered, helping Carla cut up vegetables for dinner.

"They sent skateboard kid home early." Eddie informed the two women. "Principal's gonna meet with the parents in the morning figure out what the punishment should be."

"What about the kid who fell off the skateboard?" Carla asked.

Eddie furrowed his brows, not understanding why he's have to punish his son. "Think I should punish Christopher for getting hurt?"

Eve glanced up at Carla, not really wanting to speak because after she calmed down, she realized that it wasn't just the kid who brought the skateboard fault but it's also Christopher's because he got on it, willingly. She also didn't believe Christopher needed to be punished, she just thought they needed to talk to Christopher about what happened, mainly to get a better understanding on the situation.

"No," Carla spoke, turning to face Eddie. "but I think you should talk to him about how he got hurt. I know Christopher wants to be like all the other kids, but—"

"He's not." Eve mumbled quiet enough for no one to hear. Eve understood the being different and not being able to do everything all the other kid's got to do. She wasn't able to play sports because of her seizures, wasn't able to go to parties because of strobe lights, and she wasn't able to join the military like she wanted, she was stopped from being able to do things she wanted to do and experience.

"You want me to tell him he's different?" Eddie inquired taken aback.

"He already knows that." Carla stated. "You need to teach him what it means. That he has limitations."

"I'm not gonna tell my kid that." Eddie told the women before walking away.

"Eddie." Eve spoke softly, not wanting to upset her husband. "All we have to do is speak to him about it, tell him the truth, or tell him that there's other ways around it and that we are here to help."

Eddie looked at his wife like she spoke a different language, like she was crazy. "You want to tell our son that he can't do things? That he's different?"

"Yes," Eve calmly answered. "Because he is. I mean look what happened, he got hurt because he was trying to be like everyone else, when he's not."

"Woah, I'm shocked you'd say something like that." Eddie muttered shaking his head.

"Well you shouldn't be, because one I love that little boy and two I also was someone who couldn't do shit and ended up trying to be like everyone else which only got me extremely hurt." Eve sassed.

"Well unlike you he has better parents who help him." Eddie retorted cashing Eve to raise her eye brows.

"Alright, I'm just going to grab Charlie and go to Buck's before we both say something we will later regret." Eve told the brunette, before she walked away.

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