Chapter Fifty Three

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S3Ep14- The Talking of Dispatch 9-1-1

Chapter Fifty Three
No Answers

WEEKENDS on a week day was nice, the kids where at school or Carla was watching them. Which means after the kids are good to and Carla picks them up, Eve could go back to bed.

"Tomorrow you're getting up with them." Eve grumbled as she crawled in bed and immediately cuddled up with her husband.

"But you're better at making breakfast for them." Eddie spoke, his voice raspy due to him waking up a few minutes before.

"Fine," Eve mumbled. "You're getting up with me."

"Nope." Eddie stated "but I will..." the brunette rolled on top of the women, which caused her legs to immediately wrap around his hips.

"so you're bribing me?" Eve questioned with cocked eyebrows and a small smirk tugging her lips.

"Maybe." Eddie answered, kissing the blonde's neck causing her eyes to close.

Maybe to be continued on the other book :D

AFTER a shower and breakfast Eve received a call from chimney, which confused her slightly.

"What's up?" The blonde answered the phone.

"I think something's wrong with Maddie." Chimney immediately answered, his voice full of worry.

Eve stood to her feet, leaving Eddie's arms. "What?" She questioned her own worry filling her.

"She-We where on the phone and before she hung up she said she loved me and my name." Chimney explained. "At dinner she said she wouldn't be able to say she loves me for awhile and she's never called me Howie. Plus when I called 9-1-1 it said the line was busy."

Eve closed her eyes, so many thoughts—not good thoughts— running through her mind. "Okay, something has to be wrong. I-um, I'll be right over and maybe contact Buck, which I don't know how good of an idea that is."

"He deserves to know even if he's the irrational twin." Chimney responded before hanging up the phone to call Buck.

Eve immediately rushed to the bedroom the get her shoes, socks and a bra.

"What's going on?" Eddie questioned as Eve slipped her shoes on.

"Something's going on with Maddie, I think she's in trouble." Eve answered, standing to her feet. "So I'm going over to chim's so we can figure this out."

"Okay, just let me put my shoes on." Eddie spoke, going to the closet where Eve put his shoes when she went through her clean spirt.

Eve placed a hand on his chest, stopping him from bending over. "I need you to stay here because Carla will be bringing the kids home. And I don't know what's going on so I need you safe at home."

"Well then I want you safe at home." Eddie retorted looking at his wife.

"I'm sorry, but it's my sister." Eve smiled softly, placing a hand on his cheek. "I'll be fine, okay? I won't go jumping in danger."

"You promise?"

Eve shook her head. "I shouldn't promise that and you know that."

Eddie breathed out, leaning his forehead against her's. "I know." He muttered. "Please be safe. And try not to do something stupid."

"I'll try." Eve whispered.

"OKAY WE'RE going down there." Eve and chimney stated at the same time.

chimney was still on the phone with Buck who immediately said no to the idea, because he didn't want to think about the fact his girlfriend and sister where inside the building where something was going wrong

"Buck you're not talking us out of this." Chimney told the man on the phone who was trying to say everything was fine.

"Are you sure everything is fine, buck?" Eve questioned her brother.

"I-Uh..." he stuttered. "It's 9-1-1 maybe the thing that happened last year happened again."

"Mhm then why isn't anyone answering the text?" Eve asked again.

"We just need to go down there and make sure they're okay." Chimney spoke, grabbing his keys.

"Yeah-fine, wren didn't pick up when I called." Buck told the duo. "Then I tried calling josh and it went straight to voicemail."

"Yeah, now we're definitely going." Eve stated her voice more stern.

"What if something is wrong?" Buck questioned as chimney walked to check the door after someone knocked on it. "Maybe we should call the police."

"Uh, I think someone already did." Chimney muttered when he opened the door where Athena stood outside.

Chimney gave Athena the quick run down of what had been going on for the past couple hours.

"I know captain." Athena spoke into her phone while chimney and Eve sat on the couch watching the officer, waiting for her to say something important or get off the phone and tell them what's going on. "CAD's been glitching all morning—"

"What is she say now?" Buck questioned, he was still on speaker but wasn't able to hear Athena as well as the other two could.

"She's making her case." Chimney whispered.

"Yeah, I'll wait to hear from you." Athena continued.

"Now she's folding like a cheap suit." Chimney told the boy on the other line.

"Alright. Let me talk to Athena." Buck instructed.

"Why so she can tell you the same thing she's going to tell us?" Eve questioned. "Which will probably be we need to wait."

"Captain needs to make some calls." Athena began telling everyone. "As evidence goes, an I love you is less than convincing."

"Well there's the no answering." Eve mentioned. "So that's something."

"And they sent you down to my apartment." Chimney added now confused. "For an assault with a deadly onion. That feels more convincing."

"Well," Athena began speaking again. "she's gonna talk to operations, see if they can get eyes in the building, see if anything's wrong."

"No!" Buck voiced. "No, no, no. We can't just send in SWAT. If there is someone inside the call center doing something, they'll know we're onto them."

Silence filled the room for a couple seconds before Athena spoke. "Let's go for a drive. Talk to you later, Buck."

"No, no, Chimney, Ev-" Buck tried speaking only for Eve to press the red button on chimney's phone.

This chapter would've been longer but Hulu said fuck that and wouldn't let me skip through the episode. Soooo here's half the episode. Hopefully I'll post the next half tonight since ya know it's Friday.

Hope y'all are having a wonderful day, love ya!

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