Needs to be Earned

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All 8 victors were walking in a direction on of them knew. What they did know was that this arena is bigger than anything they had seen before.

Peeta was walking in the front, using his machete to cut through the vines that were coming down the trees. With Katniss close behind him, Finnick behind her with Mags on his back, followed by Annie, Dom, Haymitch, and Esmeralda.

Peeta was swinging his machete, and all of a sudden Katniss yells "PEETA DONT"

But before any of them could do anything, Peeta went flying back knocking down Katniss, Finnick with Mags, and Annie, and caused Dom to stumble back.

Finnick quickly ran over to Peeta and flipped him on his back. Katniss drew an arrow before she realized that Finnick was starting CPR on Peeta. And without realizing it Esmeralda had a knife in her hand in the direction of Katniss, she had only realized it was in her hand when Katniss lowered her bow and arrow. Haymitch saw her put it back in it's spot in the holster.

"I'm sorry" Esmeralda told Haymitch.

"There's nothing to be sorry for" Haymitch squeezed her hand.

There attention went back to Finnick and Peeta. Katniss crying next to them, not wanting to loose Peeta and Finnick trying his hardest bring Peeta back.

After what seemed like forever to the victors, Peeta finally woke up, and said "be careful there's a force field up there"

Katniss slightly chuckled and kissed Peeta. Esmeralda saw the look on Dom and Finnick's face change.

"Do you- do you want to stand up?" Katniss asked and everyone could hear the relief in her voice.

Peeta nodded and stood up, Esmeralda helped Katniss help Peeta up.

They all started walking again, this time throwing rocks at the force field to make sure no one hits it again.

Esmeralda and Katniss climbed the biggest tree in the arena revealing that they were at the edge of the huge arena.

The "sun" was staring to set so the alliance made camp.

"I'll take first watch" Finnick said.

"No way" Katniss told him sternly.

"Sweetie that thing I did back there was save Peeta's life. If I wanted to kill any of you I would have already" Finnick responded.

"Even Esmeralda" Katniss asked.

"We are not going there, especially after everything you and Peeta have gone through" Finnick looked Katniss straight in the eyes.

"Okay enough of this, we are allies and we can't keep doing this to each other," Esmeralda stopped everyone from talking "Finnick and I will take first watch, so like that Katniss has peace of mind that a district 12 victor is watching over."

"Okay good, I'll take second watch" Katniss said.

"I'll take third" Dom announced.

"Fourth" Haymitch said.

"No third with Dominic" Katniss said.

"Katniss" Peeta said trying to get her to understand.

"Katniss I know it's gonna be hard for you to trust anyone but in this arena with people who could have their own plan these are the people we have to trust" Esmeralda told her.

"You know them I don't" Katniss responded.

"And I understand that but please we all need to be aware of the other victors who are in this arena with us which means everyone who could have a watch on there own should have one. I understand that you lack trust in Finnick so I'll be there for the first watch."

Katniss just nodded knowing that what Esmeralda told her is true.

After everyone had settled down, they heard the sound of a beeping parachute.

"A sponsor this early in the games is unusual" Haymitch said.

Esmeralda started to panic, the last time she was in the games with parachutes that when she lost Rye, she couldn't loose everyone all at once.

Dom knew what the parachutes mean to Esmeralda so he took her back while Katniss and Finnick opened it. Esmeralda wouldn't tell anyone but if anyone was going to open it she wanted it to be anyone but the people around her.

"What is it?" Annie asked.

"It's just a water spout, from friends of Effie" Katniss announced.

Dom heard one of the loudest sighs of relief come from the girl he viewed as a little sister and it brought him a sense of calm. He let her walk closer to the rest of the alliance, who were trying to get water to come out one of the bamboo trees. Soon the water came pouring out and they all drank from it.

Katniss stayed awake while Esmeralda and Finnick were on watch, she didn't trust him.

Finnick and Esmeralda were looking out into the forest, being mindful of their surroundings.

"Es I've been waiting to check in on you, how are you doing? I know this is a lot"Finnick asked quietly.

"I'm good, I just can't loose any more people" Esmeralda answered hoping that doesn't give Snow an opening to hurt the small number of people she cares for.

"I know that but since we came in to the arena you've seemed more panicked than I thought you were going to be"

Esmeralda scooted over closer to Finnick, held his hand and leaned on his shoulder. She picked her head after a couple seconds and whispered in his ear "I lost Cinna, Snow got rid of him before I came up the podium"

Esmeralda hoped that no one but Finnick heard. She looked up at him and he leaned closer to her ear "I'm so sorry Es, he loved and cared for, you know that right." She nodded, trying not to shed a tear.

Esmeralda went back to leaning on his shoulder. She wrapped her arm around his and started playing with her ring, and after a few minutes of her doing so Finnick noticed.

"I'm glad I chose a ring," Finnick said smiling down at her.

"Me too, it's the one and only thing that can ever calm me down" Esmeralda said still rotating and playing with the ring while leaning on his shoulder still.

"And why is that?" Finnick asked sarcastically.

"Oh I don't know" Esmeralda matched his energy.


"But for real I know the Flame is me but for me it's you Nick, always has and always will." She said finally looking up at him.

"And you're mine" he said pulling his necklace from around his neck.

He kissed her on her forehead, let her lean back on his shoulder.

Soon after the pictures of the fallen victors appeared in the sky waking everyone up for a moment. Esmeralda counted 10 fallen victors out of 48, "38 more victors in this arena and only 1 gets out", was all that was running through Esmeralda's mind.

The loud noise freaked Annie out to the point were Dom had to grab her and hold her still, she looked up and all the flashbacks from her games came back, she didn't want to loose anyone either

After about almost an hour, Finnick said seeing that Katniss was still awake, "well if you aren't going to get any sleep I am, you should too Es"

"Are you good Katniss?" Esmeralda asked.

"Yup no problem"

Esmeralda laid next to Finnick, and a little lower down, Dom laid next to Annie, Mags was near Haymitch, and Katniss sat down next to Peeta. It was where everyone was the most comfortable.

Katniss was nodding off to sleep but before she could she caught herself.

She stood up because something caught her eye, a fog approaching them.

She stepped closer to the fog and reached her hand out.

The moment she made contact with the fog, she let the most excruciating scream of pain out.

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