Familiar Faces

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Sooooooooo I've been gone for a while.... 🙃. But here's a new chapter, I have a bit of writers block but I know more or less where I want the story to go. So chapters are coming but coming slowly.

Esmeralda has been alone with her thoughts for too long, Boggs said that he was going to come get her and Katniss soon but nothing, not a word.

Soon it came time to walk to the corridor, where Coin was going to make the speech that Esmeralda and Katniss would be the head of the Rebellion.

She met Katniss down there, and asked her his she was ready. All Katniss could do was nod.

Paige walked in with Prim, for Esmeralda it was nice to see, because even thought Paige is Katniss' age, she never had anyone to talk to. Everyone was trying to keep her safe from the eyes of the Capitol, and since they have similar interest in the medical field, Esmeralda thought it made perfect sense for them to become friends.

"Hi little one," Esmeralda smiled to Paige as she stood next to her.

"Hi Es, how are you feeling?" She said genuinely asking.

"I never know anymore, but better seeing you up and well" Esmeralda told her and moved in to hug her.

Paige quickly wrapped her arms around her, "thank you, thank you this. I know you've need this but didn't want it, and to be honest I've needed it."

Esmeralda let go and smiled.

"Hi Prim, how are you and how's buttercup?" Esmeralda asked moving her attention over to her.

"He's good thank you for asking, and I'm just glad he's here and alive" Katniss and Esmeralda let out a light hearted smile.

Then the entrance sound for Coin started and everyone moved their attention to her.

"I've gathered you all here and pulled you here from your busy schedule to inform you that both Miss Katniss Everdeen, and Miss Esmeralda Theo have agreed to be our Mockingjay and our Flame to be the face of the Rebellion." Coin started and everyone looked over to the two as they were standing right next to each other.

"For the two, we will rescue the victors, Johanna Mason, Enobaria, Annie Cresta, Peeta Mallark, and Finnick Odair, at the easiest and earliest convenience, and will be given a full pardon." Coin continued, while Esmeralda saw Dom in the crowd and moved over to him. And everyone was yelling with anger.

"As much as I was mad at you, I know the feeling of the love of your life being ripped away from you and not knowing if they are alive or not. So I talked to Katniss and we made the deal for Annie too." Esmeralda leaned over to the side and told him.

"Es, this is great. They listened to you, everyone is going to listen to the two of you." Dom told her with an excitement to his tone.

"If they can not fulfill their duty as both the Flame and the Mockingjay, the deal will be off. Now please you can all return to your daily schedules." Coin finished staring at the crowd. 

Paige walked over to her brother and Esmeralda.

"I've noticed there aren't that many kids around, do either do you know why that is?" Esmeralda asked.

Dom shrugged and then Paige spoke up, "Prim and I just learned about this, there was a wide spread disease here in 13 years ago, and it targeted children first before they were able to find a cure. It took Coin's entire family"

Esmeralda looked up and Coin staring down at her as she walked away.

Katniss and Esmeralda were eating together in the dining hall, when an all to familiar face came down to sit in the middle of them.

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