August 3rd, 2023

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August 3rd, 2023
These are just the updates I was giving fam.😛✌️
My First solo trip to NY

Sat. Jun. 24 at 7:45pm
Alrighty first update:
I will be leaving at 2am tomorrow morning. I will drive as far as I can at which point I will get a hotel and stay the night. The following day I will continue on my journey.
Note: I didn't leave till 8am

Sun. Jun. 25 at 11:56am
Update two:
I have made it to Georgia and have refilled my tank. I am near Georgetown.

Sun. Jun. 25 at 5:47pm
Update three:
I took an accidental detour towards Charleston but I am now on track and have passed Charlotte. I've filled my tank and am on my way again.

Sun. Jun. 25 at 9:42pm
Update four:
Im exhausted and am doing that crying thing kids do when they're tired but I'm in a hotel for the night and safe. I'm going to sleep in tomorrow. I'll update again when I get back on the road.

Mon. Jun. 26 at 10:10am
Update five:
Good mornin every buggy. I have gotten and eaten breakfast. I am going to fill my tank and then I'll be on my way.

Mon. Jun. 26 at 2:45pm
Update six:
I just passed through Harrisburg Pennsylvania. I stopped and filled my gas. And I'm back on the road.

Mom. Jun. 26 at 6:08pm
Final update:
I'm here!!!

Part two:
The Return

Delayed: bc I stayed two extra days

Wed. Aug. 2 at 8:13am
Alright everybuggy sadly it is time for me to go. I had so much fun this summer seeing everyone and doing new things. I love you all so much.
The plan is to drive ten hours and take a break like when I came up. As usual I will give updates the whole way though when I stop to fill gas and such. I have filled my tank and am on my way.

Wed. Aug. 2 at 12:05pm
Update 1:
I have made my first stop to use the bathroom I'm am in Pennsylvania about 17 min from the boarder to Maryland. I have booked a room in Charlotte, North Carolina and will be staying there for the night.

Wed. Aug. 2 at 2:00pm
Update 2:
I stopped to get gas cause I didn't get more when I stopped the first time.

Wed. Aug. 2 at 7:31pm
Update 3:
Alright all yous peeps. I have made it to the hotel and am in my hotel room. I will not be going out for the rest of the night.

Thu. Aug. 3 at 4:06am
Update 4:
Good early morning ta all yaz. I am awake and can't go back to sleep so I am going to get on the road. I have filled my tank and am on my way. From what my gps says if I leave now I should be home around 11ish am. I hope y'all have a wonderful morning and a great day😘.

Thu. Aug. 3 at 7:11am
Update 5:
Morning everybuggy😁I have stopped at McDonald's for breakfast. I'm going to eat, fill my tank, and go. Right now I am in South Carolina about 40 from the border to Georgia. I update again before I start driving again.

Thu. Aug. 3 at 7:30
Update 6:
Driving again

Thu. Aug. 3 at 12:00pm
Final update:
I'm home.

Hours going up: 21 hours
Hours coming back:20 hours
Total hours driven: 41 hours
I'm so tired😭*dies*

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