November 27, 2023

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November 27, 2023
October fucking sucked.
I stopped doing dnd. It was stressing me out and I wasn't enjoying it especially when even thinking about doing it caused huge amounts of anxiety.

On top of that my dad had surgery that ended with a big hole in his stomach. He was in the hospital for a while and wasn't doing well. He's ok now the hole is healing nicely.

I'm trying to graduate in the spring but I have to have five classes in the spring in order to pass. However I have failed my math class this semester and will have to add a class totaling six next semester. I cried for a while about it but I'm kinda just numb to it now.
The month passed by so fast. It was like sept. 28 to Halloween in a blink. I didn't trick or treat this year. I had classes on Halloween and had a test in both. Which sucked after my evening class which got out at 7:30 I just went to my friend's job and hung out till they closed.
That's all that happened in October.

November has just been me existing. Going day by day.
Thanksgiving was emotional. The two days before it I went home bawling my eyes out. I can't even tell ya y.
Overall thanksgiving day was good tho. I was happy and had fun still felt like crying but I pushed it off.

Rn I'm sitting in the emergency room with my grandpa. We've been here for about four and a half hours. He hasn't been feeling well since August but he really doesn't listen to my dad's advice. I'm hoping they give him stuff and he gets better.

Other than that I and just here ig.
Q of the day-
What is your happiest memory?

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