April 22, 2024

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April 22, 2024
Alright, me myself and I, since the last time we had this chitchat bullshit here's what's happened.

DCF got called on my dad. Ik right like wtf. Basically my dad and brother got in to it but it was small like a small shove.
My sister had jumped into it and grabbed my dad so he pushed her away gentle bc he and my brother are big dudes and my sister is like a fucking stick.

(For clarity he's just worried because my brother had been acting weird (like weed weird) and not doing good with grades bc he just wasn't turning it in)

They went to the kids therapist to find a way to work it out and my siblings made it sound like my dad's abusive. And while they were talking 'step mom' said she "I'm afraid of him." Referring to my dad. Which is completely bullshit every time them try to have a conversation she's the one screaming at him until he gives up trying to talk to her. (He's really not abusive btw. All he's ever cared about is that we do good with our education and aren't assholes to people. This is the first time anything like this has ever happened. And I mean anything like dad hardly even grounds them. Their mother threats to beat them saying she wouldn't care if she went to jail.) The therapist is a mandatory reporter so they reported it and my dad was going to give up custody.

This all happened over like two weeks. And would also like to mention that during this whole time and before my 'Step mom', my siblings bio mom, has just been letting them do whatever they want, shit she would have killed me for, they miss school, she doesn't give af about there grade, she was fostering puppies to get the kids to like her more. All to make her more likable and to make dad the bad guy.

Anyway so my siblings decided what they wanted to do. Our whole lives it's been back and forth Mon., Wed. Step mom, Tue. Thursday. With dad., and switch every other weekend. Dad let them decide where they wanted to stay. After an hour of talking my sister let my brother decide said she'd follow where he wanted to go. She reassured him for 30 mins. When he's decided to keep the same schedule so they'd still see dad she immediately said she wasn't doing that and wanted to go live with their mom. My brother was devastated bc he's been having a really hard time and she just betrayed him.

Now she only comes over every other weekend. She wouldn't tell us the reason for that decision but my brother told us later that it was bc of her PHONE. Her fucking phone! Dad was going to ground them for obvious reasons for a month. (which wouldn't have been a true month bc the back and forth switch. Bc you know their mom gives them their phones at her house bc she's the 'good guy')

Oh one last thing, the puppies are gone now. Bc she got what she wanted.

Anyways besides all that shit I've been doing fuck all. Schools still school I've failed math again.

I've signed up for summer classes. Only two tho.
So...still stress and depressy but I'm kinda just rollin.

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