December 4, 2023

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December 4, 2023
I think I'm gonna drop out of college.

I hate it. I hate going to school and doing the work they want like a little worker bee. It makes me unhappy and I'm crying all the time. Hating myself for not being better.

But I don't know what to do. In my last year of high school every thing went down hill. Sure I graduated with a 3.8 gpa and honors but I lost interest in everything I love. I have no passion for art anymore, I don't talk to people at all, I stopped trying to fit into conversations even when I have something to say.

The only thing I still have is reading but reading is just a cover. I've always used it to hide. To pretend the world and my problems don't exist. I get lost in it and everything disappears. At least for a little while.
But then it all slams back into me as soon as I come out of it and I want to hide all over again. I'm stuck in this stupid rut I'm in and I want out. And my mind is going dark so I have to do something, at least try to.

I might go into the military. I don't know what branch or any. But I'm considering it. I never thought I could survive in the military. I cry easily. And the days where I want to not be here are hard. So I've always thought "no way. I could never do that. I won't make it." Now though I'm seriously considering it.

I'm gonna take an asvab practice test and go from there.
Are you planned out for the future or just living day by day?

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