March 20, 2024

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March 20, 2024

Why is just living so fucking hard. Doing the simplest thing turns into a huge damn task.
I dropped out of two classes.
I don't know how to tell my dad.
I have to passed the two I have left.
I don't know what to fucking do.
Drop out and get a job, which I don't want to do(dropping out), and deal with dad being mad at me.
Stay in college, (it provides my income btw), get my AA on my own time and then get a job. Which is my preferred method. And who says you HAVE to get your AA in two years. Also deal with my dad being mad at me all the god damn time.

Even if I know those are really my only options I feel so fucking stuck.
I want to cry all the freaking time.
I feel like everyone is moving and I'm stuck at a stand still.
Every time I work up to talking to dad something big happens with him or my siblings.

My dad is not a person I would ever tell my true feelings to. I love him so so much. But I'll never, ever share any of the things I think with him. I don't think he'll understand. He hasn't ever before.
I'm think about going to therapy but I don't know how much I can tell them either I know my dad got block from doing things he wanted bc of a misdiagnosis.
I wish it would all just pause for a moment and let me think.

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