August 20th, 2023

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August 20th, 2023
Here's a little 404 word thing I wrote about adjusting to college. Idk just felt like putting it here. Should I put more papers I've written here? Is that illegal?

               Adjusting to college

   College is a significant change I've had to adapt to during the past five years. The transition to college life has been filled with a wide range of emotions and first-time experiences. I was filled with a combination of excitement and nervousness when I first stepped foot on campus. Although having the freedom to make my own decisions was exhilarating, the unfamiliarity of everything was also quite intimidating.
   It was challenging to say goodbye to my long-time friends and the familiarity of my high school schedule. I discovered that I missed my high school classmates and the comfort of the regular school schedule. I made plans to hang out with my friends in an effort to cope. However, that hasn't been successful.
   Another area that required significant improvement was how I managed my time. Without the regimented schedule of high school, I was suddenly in charge of balancing classes, assignments, and personal obligations. I've had to learn techniques for time management, like making to-do lists and setting reminders. Breaking down assignments into smaller tasks made the workload more manageable and reduced the stress that came with looming deadlines.
   The change was a little tricky academically as well. Coursework at the college level was more challenging and moved more quickly. I understood how crucial it was to ask for assistance when I needed it. It was reassuring to find that professors and academic counselors were personable and eager to help. It made a big difference for me to change my viewpoint from seeing asking for help as a sign of weakness to seeing it as a proactive move toward achievement.
   Emotional resilience was also vital. There were times when it was difficult to balance social activities with academic obligations, which led to moments of stress and pressure. Although I haven't been handling this well, I do make an effort to unwind and read to help me calm down. I'm trying to come up with better emotional coping mechanisms.
   I've discovered during this transition that getting used to college life takes time. It's acceptable to have overwhelming feelings and even make mistakes. What counts are your ability to recover from setbacks, your desire to learn from them, and your confidence to ask for help when you need it. My abilities are gradually coming to light as I make my way through this transformational journey, and I'm figuring out where I fit in with the college community.
If you made it down here, I praise you for your willingness to put up with my shit. Also hiiiiiii.😁😁

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