09 | welcome and goodbye

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S i m o n e


If you are a girl, or a normal human being, then you may understand the sheer panic that comes with waking up in a stranger's bedroom with the door closed, windows closed, the lights off with nothing but a sliver of sun to light up the room, and not having a clue as to how you got there.

So obviously when this happened to me, I was ready to file a police report for a kidnapping or assault of some sort.

But then imagine the confusion that comes when not only does that happen to you, but you're surrounded by a man you hate, your bored-looking father, a random lady pacing back and forth, and an older lady with her fingers pressed to your neck, feeling around anxiously for a pulse.

Slowly fluttering my eyes open, I tried lifting my head only to be pushed down onto the bed again.

"The fu...," I began before a wave of nausea cut me off.

The lady with her fingers on my neck removed her hand only to rest it on my forehead like a concerned mother. "You're awake! I couldn't tell, your pulse is very slow. How are you feeling?"

I'm feeling lost as hell.

"Why are you touching me?" I questioned, gritting my teeth together and not bothering to hide my irritation in my voice.

This was not how I planned for today to go, not at fucking all.

Deja vu hit, and just as I started to piece together the previous events that were much too familiar, the lady's voice snapped me back into reality.

"You fainted hun."

Ah fuck.

And I was doing so well too.

Recently the only times I'd been feeling lightheaded or like I would pass out was when I stood too quickly or when I worked out. So much so that I cut out exercise completely except the excess walking and occasional ab workouts.

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