28 | Congratulations

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N i c o l a s


Losing my mind was an understatement.

I was going through my days like a madman. Every time Yun even tried to mention his relationship with Ryu I'd blow up at him; because they were doing so well and it felt like I had lost Mona in comparison.

I had been sleeping in late since getting back from Paris, and staying far past closing at the office. Morgan kept trying to call me and ask why my routine of the past 10 years had changed, but all I could tell her was at least I was doing the work and stop bothering me.

I probably should be nicer to the person controlling my paychecks.

Marla was thankfully gone by the time I got home as well; I didn't think she'd actually listen. She was probably back home with Elsie and her fuckup husband doing God knows what, and I knew I'd get a call asking to stay at my house again within the next 2 weeks.

I got the painting from Mona's house and had to physically stop myself from going through every room in the house in an attempt to figure out something about her. Anything, literally anything. I was grasping at straws trying to understand her. Reading the books weren't enough, I wanted her to tell me every thought that ever passed through her mind.

I got the phone call from the bank and auction hosts to transfer the rest of the payment a day after I got the painting.

Having it back in my possession didn't feel nearly as rewarding as I thought it would. Just goes to prove how absolutely fucking useless everything I was doing really was. I shipped it to Grand-père the same day with a lengthy letter, praying I'd feel better about this all once he called me expressing his gratitude.

But in reality, I knew the only thing that would make me feel better would be talking to Mona.

Just knowing she was okay would make me feel better.

It made me wonder if part of my obsession with her stemmed from knowing that with her health, she could quite possibly slip through my grasp at any given day.

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