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What N i c o l a s

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What N i c o l a s


"Your girl est all doped up on something."

Despite that being exactly what I expected from Simone, it still made my heart race. The glass I was holding seconds earlier slipped from my grip, hitting the armrest of the chair and tumbling down to shatter against the hardwood floors of my office. "I've been waiting outside this bathroom for 10 minutes."

Swallowing thickly, I made sure to keep my voice even before I snapped at Gia. "And you didn't think to check if she's, I don't know Gia, alive?"

"C'est la vie," Gia sighed, making it more than obvious how little she cared. "I thought you had a real job for me, Nico. Not to babysit sit some lazy girl." (French | It is the life/It is what it is)

I brought my hand to my face, dragging it across my eyes and pinching my nose. Someone needs to pray some sense into this girl sometimes. That was the one problem with Gia, she always was so desperate to get her hands dirty that she couldn't do any job involving patience well.

"Fucking Christ. I'm expecting her to be alive and well by the time I get there tomorrow. I don't care if that involves doing CPR on the bathroom floor, make sure she gets home untouched."

"What do I get out of this?"


"I want to see you, Nico," She murmured, her voice lower and more seductive than before. "I never help you with girl, is she so special you can't do your side of ce deal?"

I didn't reply immediately, trying to work out in my head how fucking terrible of an idea it would be for me to say yes, but at the same time, I needed her.

Gia was a family friend, in some way at least. She was my cousin's friend's sister, and a few years ago when we were having a family gathering of sorts in Tours, we both got drunk and ended up having sex with each other.

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