Uncle to Oppa

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"My little sister and handsome Uncle, you guys are not in the place to have live makeout."



How on this earth, Eunhee unnie came here? I mean why? Now god, she gonna tease me till my death. I looked at him who was giving an unexpected guess presence look, which means he too didn't liked this. On the other side, she came closer by taking one chair and sitting between us as the third wheel. Now, I've to be prepared for her rapid fire questions.

"So, did you guys have patch up?"
Unnie asked curiously, watching both of us.

"We never broke up."
Jin said that, even before I replied and that somehow made me smile.

"Hmm, I got your answer."
She teasingly touched my shoulder and my blushing cheeks were the real answer, which she guessed correctly. I still nodded my head to confirm.

"How did you know about us?"
Jin interrupt our siblings teasing session. I took a glass of water to drink and be normal.

"How won't I know about you, Uncle?"
She smiled, and I choked on my water and split a bit on the table. Thankfully, Jin was not so close to my face or else God knows, what would have happened with me, if I split water on his world wide handsome face.

I glared her, being possessive girlfriend.

"Oppa...call me Oppa!"
He emphasised being embarassed.

"Alright, alright Seokjin uncle, you've been promoted to Seokjin Oppa."
Unnie laughed at us.

"So, what's next?"
She was now serious with her question and expected a answer from him as she asked him.

"I'm gonna divorce, Lauren."
He asserted.

"Isn't she have a kid, what about him?"
Unnie asked as I've informed her that Lauren had a son too.

"It's just, I need a something solid proof to prove myself and then, I'm gonna file a divorce report in court."
Seokjin explained his plan and Unnie gave a understanding nodd. Soon, our hamburger and sprite was placed on table and three of us enjoyed it. Binding good byes to him, me and Unnie left together as she had her car.

"Oppa is very kind, isn't he?"
She asked me while driving which made me blush. I nodded in agreed. We were on our regular road to home which have some traffic always. Waiting for the signal, unnie was busy in her phone. I dropped out my head to see the what exact happened and there I spotted that woman, Lauren. She isn't alone, rather with one man. Both of them, get into the car, I immediately called unnie.

"Unnie, that woman, Lauren, she's that."
I pointed to her figure and Unnie saw her.

"Is she's Lauren? Are you sure Y/N?"
She asked me and I said yes, she instantly took the back gear of the car and started following them.

"Then we should definitely follow them, what if, we will get any proof."
She said and made a way with the back of their car. Eunhee unnie is really a heavy driver.

"Y/N, I think you should inform, Oppa about her."
She asked me to tell this to Seokjin and I called him, but he isn't picking up.

"Unnie, he isn't attending the calls."
I told her, I already tried for five to six times but God knows why this WWH isn't picking my calls.

Unnie punched on the steering wheel.

"Let it be, we should them."
I told her and we kept following them with our car. They reached to motel. In meantime, I left few text messages to Jin, but this handsome, uncle isn't even replying.

"They are walking inside, now what we should do?"
Eunhee unnie asked me, as I too saw them walking inside the motel.

"Can't we go, inside unnie? Please?"
I wanted to know about her anyhow and inform it to him. Afterall, I have to make our relationship sustainable.

"Y/N, that's not a place for us, to go inside, it's Motel, people literally come here for fuck, how can we go inside?"
She stated, even though she drinks, she still didn't came to this place.

I asked her, tapping my phone's screen.

"Let's wait here, outside and keep eye on them. And you can even click her picture and send it to oppa, so that he might know, who is that man."
She gave me a idea, we were all focused on the entry side of the place. Almost after 3 hours, she again came back. I immediately took her picture with that man. Thankfully, the pictures were clear. She and man, can be identify easily.

Jin's POV-

I finally came out from the hot shower as I was feeling very dizzy and even I slept for few hours. Let's get ready, and go for some drinks as it's been a while. I thought to ask Yoongi too for hangout, so I took my phone which was switched off. I turned it on and suddenly hundreds of notifications came up on my screen. And the heck, it was from Baby.

Missed calls and texts. I directly scrolled to her last text, there some photos. I tapped for downloads.


With whom?

Again with new guy?


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