☆Pretty Privilege (pt.2)☆

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(3rd person pov)

Vrena was about to go back to the wall to climb over, but as she wiped the blood from her lips, she smeared her lipstick. With a groan, she was forced to re-apply the cherry red product.

"Excuse me?" A small but polite voice spoke from behind her.

It cut off her thoughts. But it was a familiar voice.

Vrena suddenly felt exposed and vulnerable standing in the middle of the cul de sac.
Her head whipped around.

Now, in the light, she could see the zombie girl from earlier.

"C-can't you just talk to me?"

Vrena's face became scrunched. The girl's pastel purple stockings and bloodied Mary Janes weren't selling anything for her. And her posture made her want to gag, standing so nervous like that.

She seized her dagger from out of her bra, quickly wielding it in front of her.

"H-Hey!" the shy girl cried, "There's no need for that!"

With a thump, Vrena threw her down. She landed on top and pressed her dagger to her throat.

"W-why are you so mean?" the girl coughed.

The zombie could run if she wanted to, they both knew she was much stronger than Vrena. But she didn't.

Vrena scowled, "Gee, why do you think?"

"I just wanted to talk, but there's no time!"
"There won't be after I kill you."

"The sun's coming out!"

At the news, Vrena's grip subconsciously loosened on her, and the girl scampered out from under her.

Her footsteps darted away as Vrena peered nervously up at the sky.

She groaned.

There wasn't enough time to get over the wall, so she ran back for the trees before it, where she'd caught her meal.

She kneeled to the ground, fighting her nerves down. Her eyes became wide as the sun split through the clouds, rays casting in the middle of the cul de sac, right where she used to be standing.

Why had the girl helped her?

Probably to win her trust, she thought. To kill her later. Vrena found that to be a clever idea.

She watched as the girl slowly climbed up the stone wall, all ten feet of it. Step by step, once losing her footing and nearly falling off. Vrena could hear her small grunts as she almost slipped again, but managed to push herself to the top.

With a wobble, she started down the other side, which was where it got risky. The stone wall was close to the battlefield, the girl could easily get attacked from behind, killed before she could comprehend it.

Vrena scoffed and rolled her eyes, if it happened, it would at least give her something interesting to listen to while she waited. However, the chances were slim with the sun being out, and no vampire would be dumb enough to leave their shelter.

As the girl began to disappear over the wall, she caught Vrena's gaze. With a faltering stare, she quickly continued down until she was out of sight.

Vrena sighed. There were no sounds of blood splatters and no screaming.
The sun slowly began to roll back behind the clouds, the skies were always gloomy where they resided. It barely ever made an appearance.

Maybe she'd get killed after all.

But as soon as Vrena was about to leave the shade of the trees, a small, human girl came creeping up to the wall.

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