☆Bandages (pt.14)☆

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(Maizie's pov)

A really loud noise woke me up. Like really loud. I couldn't figure it out until I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Vrena was yelling.

I was worried for her. Hopefully, she wasn't too mad or mad at me. She was always mad at me, and I never really knew what I did wrong. Sometimes it frustrated me, but I didn't tell her, because then it'd make it worse.

I was still in my clothes from last night and my skin felt sticky. I kind of drooled a bit, too, it was a bad habit. So my lips were chapped and it was all down my cheek.
My hands were almost immediately drawn to my hair, though. I just hoped it wasn't matted. I needed to get my hair twisted again soon but there wasn't any motivation in me to do it. And it totally took forever.

It wasn't matted, so luck was on my side, especially since I'd forgotten my headscarf. Last night had been one of those that I didn't remember the transition from awake to sleep, I was really tired. Like, one minute I was awake and the next it was the morning. The morning was now, and my hair was still okay. So, I mean, I'd give that a thumbs up.

Vrena sounded like she was arguing, so I could guess it was with Carasein. I hoped they weren't being too mean to each other.

"Did you kiss me?" I heard her yell.

"No- what? No. I wouldn't kiss you without permission, Vrena. I hope you know that," Carasein said.

I went over to the room. And the door was closed, so I stood outside. It wasn't like I really wanted to spy on them, I just wanted to make sure they weren't getting hurt, or something else bad. They kind of argued a lot.

I guess it was mostly because I couldn't stand up for myself. Carasein always did for me and it made Vrena angry. I wondered why she was angry all the time, at me mostly. Hopefully she was okay.

I just wanted to know what I could fix about myself so she wouldn't be so mad at me all the time.

I glanced around. Then I went into the storage room because they were busy. It had a mirror inside with a bunch of cabinets, all wooden. It was the room where Vrena did her makeup, so her bags were all sprawled out everywhere.

It was also where my headscarf was. It was definitely staring at me like I'd just insulted its whole family for forgetting about it.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

It was small, silk and pink in the corner, and looked sad compared to how much stuff Vrena had.

My hands were clammy. I huffed before digging through her makeup bags. I kept my ears open while I did it so I could make sure they weren't done arguing.

My dad never let me have makeup. Now it felt weird having so much in front of me.
Some of the products were flying out of the bag as I looked through it. She had a lot of lipsticks, different reds and blacks and some even purple. I wished she had pink because pink was nice, but she didn't.

I actually liked green more than pink. But I wore more pink because more people said it looked good with my skin tone. Also I still thought pink was cute so it was okay.

Vrena had a lot of makeup. I wasn't sure if I'd ever seen her wear some of it.

Would she mind if I used it? Probably.

I sighed. I thought she was really pretty. I knew she would care if I used her stuff, though.

But then again...she was mad at me all the time anyway. And maybe she would like me more if I was pretty like her.

I looked back at the bedroom door and it was still shut. I closed the door to the store room.

My hands were shaking as I took the lid off a random lipgloss. It was reddish and shimmery.

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