☆Thin Ice (pt.16)☆

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(3rd person pov)

Carasein dragged Vrena by her arm through the trees.

"You know I can walk by myself, right?" Vrena grumped while trying to squirm her way out of Carasein's hold.

"I don't trust you not to run off."
"Jesus, I'm not a dog."

"Sometimes you act like one," Carasein said in a mumble.

Vrena pulled against her, making them stop. "Okay, what the fuck?"

Carasein looked down at her. Their eyes met and Vrena's roughness seemed to soften at her glare.

Carasein yanked her forward. They kept walking.

"I didn't mean it like that," she muttered.

Vrena rolled her eyes.

The ground of the forest was muddy and their footsteps crunched over broken branches. The grass was soft but never grew too tall and the trees stretched up to the sky. The sky where the clouds were slowly opening for a blue canvas.

"Carasein," Vrena mumbled.
She didn't answer and they didn't stop.

They had a long way to go, but Vrena was now uneasy about just how much blue was showing.

"Carasein!" Finally, Vrena worked her way out of her grip.

"What?" Carasein sighed, looking back at her. She didn't attempt to grab her back.

"I-" She huffed. "I think the sun is coming out."
"You'll be fine under the trees," Carasein argued. "Come on."

That didn't sound convincing though, and the last thing Vrena wanted was to start burning up.

"You're fucking annoying."

"That's mutual." Carasein shot her a glower and began walking again.

Quietness overtook the space. All that was heard was little critters scurrying into dens or birds shuffling in the trees. Leaves from above fell onto Vrena and in annoyance, she brushed them off of her.

There was a barking in the distance that seemed to be coming nearer. Carasein smiled as the pitter-patter of paws on the forest floor came closer and Simon developed into view.

She let go of Vrena and kneeled down to pet his splotchy brown coat. "Hi, buddy."

He gave a happy prance around in a circle and then sat in front of her. She moved to scratch him behind the ears. "I thought you were staying with Maizie."

He didn't respond.

"I'd fucking eat that dog if you'd let me," Vrena said.
Carasein sighed. "I won't."

"I know. That's why I said the last part."

"If you're not a bitch then maybe I'll get you something later."

Vrena pulled out a compact mirror and began to adjust her eyelashes. "Yeah, maybe you can take me on a nice little candlelit dinner," she mumbled, lips parted in focus.

Carasein fought back, "You're paying."

Vrena smiled. "Are you flirting with me?"

"Since you're desperate to take it as that, then sure."

Carasein gave Simon a final pat on the head and stood back up. She waited for Vrena to be done.

"Mmm. The lighting is horrible out here."

"You look fine. Can we go?" Carasein sighed.

With a grumble, Vrena clicked the small mirror closed.

Simon wagged his tail as they began to walk again. He followed close behind, his constant noise a sign that meant Carasein didn't have to turn back every second to check for him.

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