☆Nightmares (pt.22)☆

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(Vrena's pov)

"D-Do you think we could, like- take a nap before we go?" Maizie said, looking over at me.

"We aren't taking any naps," I said. I was still a bit uneasy on my feet, but I'd rather slit my own throat than ask for any help to walk. Talk about losing your dignity.

"Y-you don't have to sleep with us."

Carasein's face took the expression of confusion as she looked down at her. I snickered at them.

Maizie didn't seem to catch her puzzled reaction, though, and only kept yammering on to me. "Please? M-maybe it'll be good for you, too. You look tired."

"I do not look tired." What was the point of slamming concealer on my face every morning if she was going to say shit like that to me?

I growled. "I'm not tired, my brain is in the perfect pla-"
The world whipped past me as I landed flat on my face.

"Ooh..." I heard Carasein groan from above me.
"V-Vrena! Are you okay?"

Maizie kneeled beside me. I knew because her breathing was ten times louder than any normal lungs needed to be. I loudly groaned. My face had slammed into the ground like a fucking rock.

She shook me, "Hey!"

I wanted to scream at her to stop touching me but all the air had expelled from my lungs. Someone fixed my dress for me. Great, so my ass had been showing too.

I could hear Carasein kneel on my other side and feel her hand lightly rest on my shoulder. Maybe she could tell her girlfriend to leave me the hell alone.

"Vrena?" she said softly. Her voice sounded like the gentlest whisper of wind.

I groaned.

She gently rolled me over until I was on my back. Another positive, now there was blood and dirt splattered all over my dress. But neither of them would ever know anything about expensive clothes.

Why did I even try.

"Okay...Maybe it is best if you get some sleep in you."
She sounded like my idiot of a mother.

I opened my eyes and was met with both of their concerned faces looking down at me. But Carasein's might of been more of disgust, and Maizie's was pure horror. She looked more scared than me.

Unless that just meant that I had a nasty cut or something. Yay.

Carasein's arms slid under my back and knees and I was in her arms again. I grumbled. My body felt weightless and my face hurt.

I swear she took every opportunity to hold me, but at least that meant I got to be taller than Maizie.

They both then turned around and began to walk away from our destination. Then they started yammering to each other again and my ears wanted to shrivel up. I tuned them out.

There was still a pit in my stomach. Every step we took away from Locket's house was a further plummet that my heart made.

I had my eyes closed the whole time. A little sleep really wouldn't hurt, I knew that. But I had a tendency to nap way longer than I should've.

"Vrena?" Carasein cooed.

She must've thought I'd been asleep. By the way I was tuning things out and shutting my eyes, I nearly had been.


When I opened my eyes the rickety wooden ceilings came into view. I sighed.
She took me into the bedroom and set me down on the bed.

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