☆More Eyes (pt.7)☆

97 6 14

(Vrena's pov)

I listened to them. I showed up two days later, just because they'd asked me to.

They didn't even act excited, like they were entitled to my company, which made me want to scoff. There was only so much of me to go around.

Carasein wasn't having it. As usual, she always made her dislike for me very clear.

Boo-hoo. Don't act like you hadn't given me hickeys so rough they'd stained my thighs for weeks.

It wasn't like I'd be offended if she'd forgotten about our hookup. It had been months ago. I would respect her hustle.

Anywho, I met up with them at the shack. They always looked at me like they were starved or something.

To be honest, for the first ten minutes, I didn't even know what the hell they were rambling about. I was busy filing my nails and trying to entertain them with a simple nod here and there.

"Maybe- maybe we need some insight from another vampire or something..." Carasein said.

That was just offensive.

"Oh yes, that's a great idea," I muttered.

Maizie's head seemed to almost instantly perk up. "I think it's great!"

Of course she did.

But whatever, I thought for a moment.

"There's one I can think of," I sighed. "Come with me."

I exited and grabbed my purse, leaving them to follow me.

After a fifty-minute walk, we finally made it.

And Jesus Christ if you'd asked me what Maizie and Carasein had been talking about the entire walk, I wouldn't have a fucking clue.

Maizie had wanted to stay behind when we'd gone into vampire territory, but I'd called her a coward, so Carasein had wrapped her up in her jacket.

It looked like we were smuggling around a pathetic little cocoon.

I knocked on the cottage door. It was simple like the rest, although maybe a little more shabby. It was nearly right outside the bar, convenient for the occupants of the home.

I knocked again, harshly banging my fist on the wooden door.

"Eh! I'm coming, hold it, lassie!" The door quickly swung open, almost knocking me out.

I stumbled back, and Carasein pushed me back to balance.

I glanced at her with a small glare, and she just put her hands up, low to her sides.
I rolled my eyes and looked back at the familiar boy. He looked the same as I remembered; mousy brown hair and a faint array of freckles that covered his cheeks.
"You coming in or not?"

"I have to talk to you," I pushed my way inside.

"That's very rude, you know! Showing up unannounced!" he scoffed.

"Well, come on, you two," he glanced at Carasein and Maizie, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

Maizie quickly took the hood off, clearly feeling awkward.

He glared at me. "Vrena."

I gave a halfhearted shrug.

He sighed, then looked back to Maizie.

"Oi! Get inside before I decide to snap that neck of yours," he huffed.

Carasein quickly pulled Maizie in after her. And he shut the door behind them.

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