30. Mother-In-Law(s)

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Yaksha's POV

After he left to do his work I couldn't make up for my sleep anymore. My sleep was already disrupted and I didn't want to fall down on that bed anymore,lying and not doing anything,for the hundredth day.

I wanted to be useful for once. I have learned from Aaliyah that a queen has some duties. Of course! Like handling the inner court,deciding on menus for the guests and inner palace's people and something else too that I forgot. It's okay I will try to do them one by one.

I called out for Meena and some attendees and told them to run a bath for me. While the other attendees were running the bath I told Meena to take out a lavish outfit for me. I should radiance the power of queen from my outfit.Right? That's what they did in those dramas. Oh gosh I don't know!

"Here. Look at this one baisa. It's as you wanted. Simple but precise work with beautiful stones and thread. I think this will do."

Meena took out a stunning white lehenga. As she hold it in front of me with the other person's help,my jaw hit the ground. I gulped immediately trying not to drool at the lehenga. How is this so beautiful,so gorgeous! The book in history didn't do any justice describing these clothes.

"Baisa? Do you not like it? Should I take out some other?"

"No!" I stood up immediately.

"It's perfect. I will wear it. Is the bath ready?"

An attendee came behind me and bowed her head, "It's ready Begum sahiba."

I nodded my head once and she went back to the bathing room.

I am in awe with myself. How did these 3 months went by? I came here,got married,now have a husband at the age of twenty and I am weirdly so used to all these. As if I never time traveled. As if, I belong....here. All the things I do it's like I have been doing these for ages.

An attendee helped me remove my clothes while another helped me with the light jewelries I am wearing. They wrapped the white cloth around my body as I sat on the warm water,letting the tension flow down my body.

I lay my head on the side of the tub,closing my eyes. While the persons in charge help me apply various pastes,scents on my body and face.

How weird isn't it? I don't feel as embarrassed as I did when I had others bath me. I remember the chaos I caused when they told me I had to remove all of my clothes,in front of them. I said I didn't want them to help me. And now I didn't even blink an eye.

Time. It always helps to grow. It helps you get accustomed to every situation. Even the situation you never imagined yourself in. Like I didn't.

I didn't imagine myself here,a so called queen of a kingdom,who doesn't even have the slightest idea about politics or anything. But the person whose body it is,they do. I am just an invader. I wonder if I can ever find out the answer of this....of me being here.

If I do can I go back? If I go back then will real Yaksha be gone? Like dead? Or will she come back here again and I can go back to my time?

I-I should feel good with the thought of going back right? Then what is this clenching pain in my chest that I feel when I think of not being here? With-with him,my husband,the sultan.

Why do I feel like this when I imagine him spending the of his life with the real Yaksha,someone who isn't me. What is wrong with me! If I had the chance to back I would! Right?

I jerk my head away from the side in frustration as the water splashes all around the tub and some on the attendees beside me. Shit.

"Gustakhi maaf kar dijiye begum sahiba. Humse koyi galti ho gayi hain?"
( Please pardon us begum sahiba. Did we make any mistakes?)

𝒀𝒂𝒌𝒔𝒉𝒂 (𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖴𝗇𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖬𝗂𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗅𝖾)Where stories live. Discover now