Chapter 3

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The clumsy bandit 

ven i can steal better than him

"Did you find the map?" asked a masked man. Four people sat around a round table in a softly lit room. Cups of warm tea were served on the table.

A person with round glasses cleared their throat. "Unfortunately not. When we arrived, it was gone. All that was left was a large pile of sand from that golem. We also found footprints, which could mean that someone was there not too long ago."

"It was so stuffy and dusty in that hole! My poor dress got dirty!" complained a little girl, stirring her tea with a spoon.

"I'll crush those people!" growled the largest man, clenching his fists.

The masked man chuckled, a broad grin carved into his mask. "Don't worry, my friends. Those people won't be able to stop us." His voice sounded dark but also amused.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and it was raining. The three took shelter under a large tree. Frisk was wrapped in a blanket, shivering. Chara sighed in annoyance, "I said it was a dumb idea to set out in the evening."

"You didn't say anything, Chara," mumbled Ink while looking at the map. Chara hissed in response. Thick fog obscured Chara's view, preventing her from determining how far they were from their destination.

"Did you find out anything new, Ink?" asked Frisk, teeth chattering.

The skeleton nodded, "It really shows everything I want to see. The land is vast and beautiful. The first location is a volcano. That should be interesting."

Frisk glanced at Chara, who sat a bit apart from the two. "Don't you want a blanket, Chara? Are you okay?" 

Chara grumbled in response, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

 "Are you sure?" Frisk asked again, concerned.

 "I said I'm fine!" Chara replied irritably. Frisk sighed and looked away.

It was midnight when all three had fallen asleep under the tree, rain dripping softly between the trees. The quiet darkness was filled with the gentle chirping of insects.

Rustle... Rustle...

The clouds dispersed, allowing the moon to illuminate the forest with its beauty.

Rustle... Rustle...

And, um...

Rustle... Rustle... Rustle...

Ink rubbed his eyes wearily; what was that sound? He had just been having such a good dream. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he found himself staring directly into purple-colored eyes. Before Ink could react, the stranger ran off with the map in hand.

"OH! The map!!!" Ink exclaimed in shock and chased after the bandit. The bandit was swift, skillfully dodging every tree and root in his path. Ink reached out his hand to summon something, but at that moment, his magic simply didn't respond. He watched as the bandit glanced back at him for a moment, and then he vanished.

The skeleton stood there confused, where did he go? Did he dissolve into thin air?


Ink spotted a small rockslide, and there on the ground lay the mysterious bandit. Tough luck, Ink chuckled in his thoughts and leaped down. The robber knelt on the ground; his hood had slipped off, revealing a blond head. His purple eyes stood out vividly against his fair face, and there was a bandage on his cheek.

 His purple eyes stood out vividly against his fair face, and there was a bandage on his cheek

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"Man, you almost got away from me. Now give me the map back," Ink said, reaching his hand toward the stranger, but the boy hesitated. Before the skeleton could say anything more, he heard voices in the distance.

"Ink! There you are," Frisk called out with relief from above.

"We thought you were dead," Chara explained as she jumped down to join them.

"That's what you said, Chara," Frisk muttered.

Ink noticed another person with them. He was dark-skinned, with dark brown hair and bright green eyes. Frisk observed that he was staring at the stranger: "We found him on the way. He was looking for a boy named Christopher."

"Indeed, and we found him," the stranger spoke, glancing at the blond robber who nervously scratched his head. "How many times have I told you that stealing gets us nowhere? You just lead us into unnecessary trouble." Despite appearing angry, his voice remained calm and composed.

"Unnecessary?" the robber began. "I don't want to go around just looking at things all the time. I want to experience something! And these so-called 'troubles' don't bother me at all."

"Yes, because I always have to solve them."

"Are you searching for hearts?" Frisk asked, attempting to ignore Chara's dangerous gaze.

"Hearts?" the dark-haired one started. "No, we're just adventurers. We have no specific goal. I'm Simon, and this is Christopher. Sorry for the turbulence." He took the map from Christopher and handed it to Ink. "We need to move on now; maybe we'll meet again sometime."

"Next time, be more careful with your belongings, or I might just steal something again," Christopher said with a grin, and both of them left the group.

"Those two seemed really friendly," Frisk remarked as the three adventurers continued on their way. The sun was now rising, but the ground and trees were still damp from the rain.

"For a moment, I really thought you were going to invite them to join us," Chara said, staring at Frisk.

"What's wrong with that? They both seem nice, and the more, the merrier!"

"Hmm... Why are YOU even here?"

"You would've likely taken out your anger on Ink by now." She's not entirely wrong.

"Hey, guys! Check out this view!" Ink suddenly called from up ahead.

The group stood before a massive cliff, offering them a breathtaking panorama. In the distance, they could see towering snow-capped mountains. Above them, clouds floated as if attempting to conceal something. The land below showcased vast forests, occasionally revealing a puff of smoke, indicating the presence of a village. To the south, nature gradually diminished, leaving only a vast expanse of sand, hinting at a perilous desert. In the west, there stretched a vast ocean that didn't meet a typical coastline but instead bordered an icy settlement covered in thick snow.

Frisk marveled, "Wow! It looks much bigger than in the books! Are we going to explore all of this?"

Ink chuckled at Frisk's reaction, "No idea. Let's see where the map takes us."

Chara, too, couldn't believe it. She was used to navigating the confined spaces of the Underground, but this was an expansive and vast world. It was filled with numerous people and settlements.

"Look, that's where we need to go," Ink said, pointing to a large volcano with billowing smoke. There, they were supposed to find their first pure heart.

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