Chapter 8

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In a web so delicate, a spider's art,

Silken threads weave, a craft so smart

A masterpiece spun with grace,

Nature's dance in a web embrace

The group wandered through the dark mansion, with its long confusing hallways, and some rooms were just empty.

"Urgh, this is useless," Chara muttered in annoyance as they found the fifth empty room. "This old lady could be anywhere."

"We don't need to find Merlee, just the heart," explained Ink, already moving ahead.

"I know, I'm not dumb. You don't have to explain everything to me twice, Ink... Ink?" When Chara didn't get a response to her remark, both Chara and Frisk immediately followed his path. They found him facing a large muscular man, ready for a fight – O'Clock.

"Oh, there are more of you," he said in surprise as he noticed the other two. Chara quickly drew her knife and attacked the larger man, her fight was not over; she would show him who was stronger. However, she was restrained by Ink. "Wait, Chara! I think he lost his memory." Huh? How did he come up with that, Chara wondered in confusion. But as she looked closer at O'Clock, she understood. He had a big bump on his head, and his gaze was distant. His peculiar dialect had also changed.

"Can you remember us?" Frisk asked cautiously, careful not to trigger any sudden recollection that might lead to an attack. He was much stronger than the group, and they wouldn't stand a chance against him a second time. He scratched his chin and looked at the group intently.

"Hm... No. Unfortunately, I don't. It feels like I've lost all my memories. I don't even know my name..." he mumbled in response. The three looked at each other, knowing what needed to be done, or at least one of them did.

"Oh, of course, we know who you are!" Chara exclaimed joyfully. Her companions stared at her in confusion, as if they had all lost their senses. "You belong with us! We're the BEST friends and adventurers. Your name was... Gerald!"

"Gerald? I'm not quite sure... The name sounds—" O'Clock began to murmur.

"Perfect!" Chara interrupted.

Ink grabbed the brown-haired girl by the shoulder and whispered to her, "What are you doing?"

"Seizing the opportunity? He's mega strong; he has to be with us," Chara replied.

"Guys! I found something!" Frisk suddenly exclaimed from the back room. She had found a staircase leading downstairs. "I heard a voice down there. I think that's the way to the heart."

"Heart? What does she mean by that?" asked "Gerald," looking confused. Ink looked at Chara expectantly; after all, she had started it.

"Heart.. oh yes, heart! A treasure that will make us very rich when we sell it!" Chara explained, trying to sound very convincing. "Gerald" looked at her puzzled, but then nodded.

So the four of them went down the stairs to the basement. The walls were made of stone, and the wooden stairs creaked with every step. It got cooler as they went deeper. Chara was about to ask Frisk if she was sure she heard a voice here when suddenly a voice came out of nowhere. It sounded gentle but playful. Chara was reminded of the white woman; her voice was also gentle.

"Ah! Fortunately, you're here now!" A person appeared in front of them, as pale as a ghost, floating before them.

"I am Merlee, come inside!

This villa is mine, a place to abide.

I've been waiting here for quite some time,

Feeling a bit scared, and it's been a climb.

Excuse me, for I'm in a rush,

Just a brief stop, a hurried hush.

Evil pursues me through my abode,

I implore you, get me out on the road!"

Merlee continued her rhyme:

"In the cellar, I cower like a mouse,

In my own home, a terrible douse.

From now on, be on your guard,

Trust in nothing, be it sinister or starred."

"Where are you, Merlee?" Frisk asked with concern, but suddenly, Merlee slowly faded away.

"I beseech you, rescue me, and be quick,

But be cautious! SHE knows cunning tricks..." After her last words, Merlee vanished.

"Was this Merlee?" asked O'Clock.

"Yes, she probably has the pure— I mean, the jewel," explained Chara, preventing him from asking more unnecessary questions.

"We need to find her quickly! Something is holding her down there!" said Frisk anxiously and rushed down the stairs.

"Wait!" called Chara after her. "She can't even fight!" The three quickly followed Frisk and caught up with her. It didn't take long for the cool stone walls to disappear and turn into a beautiful violet color. They were no longer in a basement but in a lovely and comfortable room. Did they take a wrong turn? The most shocking thing in the room was Merlee. She was no longer ghostly pale but alive. She stood in the room, looking joyfully at the group, with no danger in sight.

"Merlee... are you okay?" Frisk asked again, concerned. She didn't know Merlee, but she was deeply worried about her.

"Look, I'm back,

Isn't that fantastic?" she rhymed cheerfully. "Now that you're here, it makes me glad!"

"Man, you really gave us a scare with your speech... or mostly Frisk," mumbled Ink, scratching his head.

"Whatever. We want the pure heart," Chara stated bluntly, ignoring O'Clock's puzzled look.

"So! A pure heart for you and such!" laughed Merlee.

"For you, I mean it true,

I'd gladly give the pure heart to you.

But to give for free, I must demur,

10,000,000 Rubies I prefer!"

"WHAT!?" exclaimed Frisk, Chara, and Ink simultaneously, shocked.

"Are you crazy?!" Chara continued to yell. "We don't even have that much gold!! If you don't hand over the heart right now, you're going to get a—" Frisk grabbed Chara, holding her back before she could take another step.

"Mimimimimimimimimimi!!!" suddenly laughed Merlee in a high-pitched voice. "You are such a funny bunch!" She was briefly enveloped in violet smoke, and when it cleared, Mimi stood before them. The green-haired braided girl wore a yellow dress with white polka dots and a large red bow at the collar. "How you fell for my disguise! But in reality, I am Mimi! Shapeshifter and assistant to the new revolution!" New revolution? What did she mean by that? Chara wondered if this was what the white lady had warned them about.

Mimi pointed at O'Clock. "No idea why you're with these impostors, but Dimentio won't be pleased!" O'Clock just looked at her confused, which infuriated her even more. "Enough now... You wanted it the hard way?! Now you'll get it! TRUE FORM!!!"

After uttering those words, her head suddenly twisted to the side, as if someone had broken her neck. Her eyes were pitch black. The group stared at her with open mouths; is she dead?! But it got worse... Long, thin, black legs sprouted from her neck, like those of a spider, lifting Mimi's body. "MIMIMIMIMI!" the green-haired girl still laughed, even though she had no pupils anymore. Chara knew she was staring directly at the group. Chara grinned widely and drew her knife: "Time to take care of you! Right, gu-... guys?" She was alone. The others had simply run away. The brown-haired girl looked up at the spider monster—no, not today. So, she sheathed her knife and quickly ran after her friends.

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