Chapter 20

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Fighting is sooo boring

Chara stomped through the corridors now. She didn't care who heard her. She would take down anyone. She already took down O'Clock, who could stop her? Mimi? No, she knew her weakness. The red-haired boy? Pff, he had too thin arms to hurt her. Dimenzio? Ohh... when she saw him, she would tear his mask into pieces. Chara clenched her hands into fists; she had to calm down. She must not go too far like with O'Clock. She didn't want to kill anyone. They were just stupid outcasts who didn't know any better. And she didn't want to be a murderer anymore. She was also an outcast. No one wanted anything to do with her because she was deemed dangerous. But she liked being alone. But now... Without Frisk and Ink, she wouldn't have survived many things. Chara stopped. She had a strange feeling. She felt stared at, but she was alone in the hallway. No one had followed her. As she turned around, she was suddenly hit by something hard. She crashed to the ground hard. The world spun briefly around her until she could see clearly again. She looked up and recognized two red circles in the darkness.

"So, we meet again," a voice spoke from the darkness. A person emerged. It took Chara a moment to recognize the boy, but then it clicked. The boy from the festival! His red hair looked very formal, as did his white shirt. He adjusted his round glasses, their lenses glowing red. "It's a shame our reunion will be so short," he said seriously, and then sharp objects appeared beside him. Knives, scissors, and other pointed utensils. Two large boxes also floated behind him. All glowing red. Was he using some kind of telekinesis?

She stood up, intending to draw her dagger, but it wasn't there. She had left it with Ink. Dammit, Chara! Always losing your weapons, she scolded herself.

She quickly ducked as a knife flew towards her, followed by a fork; it narrowly missed her arm.

The red-haired boy snorted in annoyance. "You move around too much," he adjusted his round glasses and a large box flew towards Chara. But she was ready. Instead of dodging, she caught the brown wooden box. He gave her a slight shove back, but then she gathered all her strength in her arms and threw the box back at him. "I'm strong," she thought to herself with a grin, which quickly vanished as Hypno raised his hand and stopped the box in front of him. "You're strong too, but apparently, you lack up here," he gestured to his head.

"WHAT?!" Chara roared angrily, ohhh how his expressionless face annoyed her! She rolled up her sleeves to her elbows. She was going to punch him so hard in the face that his stupid glasses would fall off. Chara stormed towards him, dodging a few objects coming at her. The wooden box flew towards her, but Chara jumped over it, placing a hand on the box to gain more momentum when jumping off. Everything felt like slow motion. She was about to kick Hypno hard in the face, imagining how shocked he would be lying on the ground brought her joy. Her leg was about to hit his face, but then Chara felt a pain in her stomach and was thrown to the ground. The pain felt like someone had punched her in the stomach. She held onto her stomach and looked up at Hypno. He had his arms crossed and his glasses still glowed red. A large stick flew next to him, it was red and emitted a faint red light. He can create weapons too? What else can this guy do?

Slowly, Hypno approached her. "Just give up already. You don't even have a weapon, and even if you did, it wouldn't help you. You simply don't stand a chance against me. That's what happens when you're STUPID," he said the word "stupid" with a hint of regret. What a nerd. "I don't understand how people like you can have friends. You're just too blind to see when a fight is unwinnable for you. Maybe I should show you what happens to people who are too stubborn." The red sticks duplicated and formed sharp tips at the end, turning into spears. They pointed threateningly down at Chara. What was she going to do now?

Suddenly, she heard something. It sounded like someone moving in a steel box and hitting the walls every time. Hypno apparently heard it too because he hesitated. Then both of them saw dust falling to the ground. They simultaneously looked up at a shaft, but it was already too late. The shaft above Hypno broke open, and a lot of dust fell down. It obscured Chara's vision, and she had to cough because of all the dust. When her vision cleared, she recognized a figure on the ground in front of her. But it wasn't Hypno. This person had blonde, matted hair and was coughing due to the dust.

"Christoph!?" Chara exclaimed as she saw the bandit. He looked up with his violet eyes. "Oh! Hey Chara!" he said cheerfully, as if he hadn't just fallen from a shaft.

Grunting in pain, Ink slowly rose from the ground. He leaned against the wall with one hand to maintain his balance. His chest and head still ached slightly. He glanced at O'Clock, who was sitting on the ground, Chara's knife still in his back. "Doesn't that hurt?" Ink asked, pointing at the knife with his finger. The bearded man just sighed.

"Why it's so hard to understand?" he began. "Little devil right. We just want attention." Little devil? Oh, he meant Chara. The white skeleton chuckled.

"Chara can really say stupid things when she's angry. If I may ask, why did you join the revolution?" Ink asked curiously. It didn't seem like O'Clock wanted to continue fighting with him, so they might as well engage in conversation.

"I want to fight. I want to crush people and become strong! But nobody wanted to fight with me... Everyone looked at me weird and laughed... Broke my heart," O'Clock muttered in his dialect. Ink pushed off from the wall and approached the guy.

"Why didn't you ever participate in fighting tournaments?"


Ink smiled kindly. "There, you can also fight and even win prizes. You'll surely enjoy it."

"I never thought about that," O'Clock said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"Then it's time! We don't have much time left before the world is lost, and you won't be able to participate in any tournaments," Ink urged.

"Skeleton smart," O'Clock remarked, getting up from the ground. He grabbed the knife and simply pulled it out of his back. Fresh blood still clung to it, but the bearded man seemed unconcerned about the wound. "We must save the world! And return the knife to the little devil," he added, referring to Chara. Ink was glad he had convinced O'Clock, even if it had happened very quickly. Suddenly, O'Clock grabbed Ink by his scarf and hoisted him over his shoulder. "Your legs too small. I carry you!" he declared.

"W-wait! My brush!" Ink protested, but O'Clock was already sprinting off. Ink had no idea where they were headed, but O'Clock must know where Dimenzio was. Maybe even to the dark heart! He remembered when he had arrived and met Dimenzio. The masked man had told him straight to his face that they possessed the dark heart. If only Frisk were here, they would have all the hearts and could simply destroy the dark heart. But now they would have to find another way.

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