Chapter 22

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My beautiful Danielle

The brunette wandered through the dark corridors of the castle. The corridors felt like ruins, bare and dark. She felt the temperatures dropping as she moved closer to the interior. She held the knife tightly in her hand, while the three pure hearts were held in the other. If she couldn't destroy the dark heart with the hearts she had, then she would have to do it herself. She wondered how Frisk and Ink were doing. She hadn't seen Frisk in ages; she hoped nothing had happened to her. And Ink, hopefully the bony skeleton was still kicking. But she knew the two of them. They had both shown what they were made of.

Frisk had almost sacrificed herself with that lava monster and had cared for Chara and Ink when they were injured.

"Ink, even though he's always very weak in magic, drew every drop of magic out of himself to help others progress or to protect them. What did Chara do? The brunette stopped. Yes, what did she really do? Throughout the whole adventure, she questioned whether she wanted to leave the world or not. She did this and that, but never truly proved herself. She turned her gaze to the hearts in her hand. Now she had the chance to prove to the others that she wants to save the world. No matter if she has to die again. She doesn't want to return to those old abandoned ruins anymore, she completely forgot why she was there in the first place.

(Don't come yapping about Undertale lore to me, I'm cooking something here)

A grin formed on her lips, but not a bloodthirsty one, a confident one. She was ready."

Finally, after this long and exhausting adventure, she stood before the dark heart. It was twice as large as the pure hearts. It seemed black as the night, and dark magic swirled around it. Chara could feel it pulling towards her, as if it wanted to engulf her to become even stronger.

"You took your time," said a familiar voice, Dimenzio. He hovered in front of the dark heart, holding a shape that looked like a diamond in his hands. His posture was relaxed, as if he didn't care that Chara wanted to stop him.

"This whole thing ends now!" Chara exclaimed, pulling out the three pure hearts.

"Yes, the end of this world," chuckled the masked Jester, and with a gesture, the diamond disappeared in an instant. "I assume this adventure must have brought you great joy," Dimenzio speculated as he floated down to the ground. "At least, I hope so, because this will be your last," he said grimly, tilting his head slightly to the side.


Chara snorted in annoyance. He talks too much, she thought and ran towards Dimenzio, knife firmly in hand, ready to plunge it into him. She would go as far as she could with him, let him bleed and beg for forgiveness; he started this whole thing, and he should pay for it.

The masked Jester raised his hand, and white shapes appeared behind him: Diamond, Spade, Club, and Heart. The shapes rushed towards her, but Chara didn't stop; she countered each shape with her knife. When she was close enough to him, she raised her knife to attack, but she stabbed into empty air. She looked around in confusion, where did he go?

"Am I too fast for you?" chuckled Dimenzio behind her.

"You teleport away like a coward!" growled the brunette, her eyes glinting with anger.

"Oh, but I'm just using what you don't have. You humans are so pitiful, so weak! You will never defeat me; no one can win against magic!"

"Stop talking so much! I'll crush you with my fists," Chara threatened, but the Jester just laughed.

"How delightful!" He raised his hand again, and a large scythe appeared, shimmering silver with a violet ribbon around the handle. "Your knife doesn't look so dangerous now, does it?" Chara swallowed nervously but remained ready; she would finish him, she had to. Dimenzio and Chara charged towards each other. The Jester raised his scythe and attacked, but Chara held her knife in between. She gripped her knife with both hands, but Dimenzio pressed against her with full force, yet she didn't give up.

"Silly child," cackled the Jester. "I told you, my magic will surpass you." Chara looked around and noticed that the card shapes had appeared around her. "I can do so many things at once, but now you can decide how you want to die. Stabbed or pierced?" His voice sounded excited, as if he could hardly wait to see Chara dead.

Chara was in a desperate situation. Her hands trembled under the pressure, and the knife was bending slowly. "Children are just so reckless. They think they can be heroes easily, but then they experience death," chuckled the Jester amusedly.

"It sounds like you've experienced that yourself," Chara gasped, having seen death too often before her eyes.

"You too, right? You're a human from another universe."

Chara caught her breath. How did he know that? Before she could ask, Dimenzio swung the knife out of her hand with a movement. Startled, she loosened her grip, and he seized that opportunity. He swung the scythe to cut her. Chara could almost feel the blade coming towards her, but then a sharp clinking sound rang out.

"What—" Chara heard Dimenzio gasp as something struck against his scythe, flinging it away. He turned towards the direction where the unknown object had come from, but suddenly, something slammed into his face. Chara watched as his mask shattered into many small pieces, then he crashed to the ground. She looked away from him and saw Frisk and Ink. Ink had ink swirling around his hand.

They had saved her, and both of them were alive! Chara felt a smile forming on her face as she saw them both safe.

"Run to the dark heart!" she heard Frisk shout. The white forms all turned towards the two, rushing at them. Both of them ducked immediately. Chara had to hurry. She didn't know where the other four hearts were, but that didn't matter! Three would be enough, or else Chara would destroy it with her own hands, she didn't care if she lost an arm or two in the process. With three hearts in her hand, she sprinted towards the dark heart, but she was held back.

The three hearts remained suspended in midair. Chara tugged at them, but they simply hung there, as if an invisible magic held them in place.

"Do you think I'll let you win so easily? Take away what I've been waiting for so long?" a voice spoke nearby. It was Dimenzio. He slowly rose from the ground, his gaze fixed downward, his white-black hair hiding his face. His hand was extended, magically holding the hearts in place.

"Man! This whole thing is so unnecessary! Just because you were a loser like the others, doesn't mean you have to destroy the world for it!" Chara yelled at him. She was so done with this loser business; she just wanted it to stop. "Make a fresh start—"

"I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY WANT!!" he suddenly screamed in anger, looking up at last. His face was full of scars, his eyes black with yellow pupils. "I'm not doing this for those useless insects." Chara could see in his face how broken and insane he truly was. "I've been waiting for this moment for years. I've read so many books, so much useless information, and now... after all this time... after all this frustration... I will finally see her again... finally hold her in my arms..."

His expression softened as if remembering beautiful memories.

"My beautiful Danielle."

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