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We sat on a hill. I asked Danielle if she wanted to have a picnic with me, and of course, she agreed. The two of us sat on a red and yellow checkered blanket that Danielle's mother had woven. I often watched her mend clothes and weave blankets, skills her mother had passed down to her.

Our picnic basket was now empty; we hadn't brought much. A few sandwiches and some jam – we needed to save, as winter was approaching. I had been with Danielle for a year now. I knew how much they suffered during the winter, having experienced it myself. Still, I always tried to bring a smile to Danielle's face. I distracted her during difficult times, as a thank-you for saving me and always being there for me when I was confined to bed.

The redhead looked up at the night sky, the stars shining and the moon glowing among them. It was a cool night, signaling the gradual arrival of winter. I glanced at her, and her green eyes sparkled in the starlight. She was beautiful.

"Danielle," I began softly, so as not to startle her. Slowly, she turned to me, tilting her head slightly, her eyes showing curiosity. I nervously swallowed; now was the time to ask her, to confess my true feelings. What would she say? Would she reject me? Was I just a friend to her? I was overthinking.

"The time with you was truly wonderful, even though it was tough for me at the beginning, you always had my back." Her smile widened. "I... ever since I saw you, I knew how important you were to me."

"Aw, Damien, that's so cheesy," Danielle giggled. My cheeks turned red; was I exaggerating? I needed to get to the point.

I took a deep breath; it was time. "Danielle... I've fallen in love with you."

Her fair cheeks immediately turned red, and she looked at me with wide eyes. There was a brief silence between us. "Since when?"

"I would say since the first time I saw you," I smiled nervously. Her lips slowly moved up to her cheeks, and then she said it.

"I love you too."

My heart literally exploded with love. She really said it! I didn't mishear, right? Danielle moved closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder. "Let's do this more often before winter comes."

I smiled and placed my arm around her waist. I forgot about the cold and focused only on her warmth. Danielle didn't care how I looked; she loved me and accepted me for who I am. I'm really lucky to have found and love her.

And so, we sat a bit longer on the hill, gazing up at the starry sky. I was just waiting to see a shooting star and make a wish to be with her forever.

However, on that night, no shooting star fell.

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