Chapter 16

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The Downworld

In every universe, the 'end' is different.


I can't let you go now.

You are so close to the goal, yet so far away.

This is not the end... not yet.

Awaken, my child.

Chara awoke slowly.

Where was she? She sat up gradually, her entire body aching as if it had been torn apart and then stitched back together. She tried to remember what happened. She was with Simon and Ink at some old guy's place. Then Dimenzio showed up, and then... an explosion. That masked idiot killed her! But why was she still here? She had seen her soul shatter, every time she died. Does that mean she's back in her world? However, as she looked around, she realized these weren't the dark ruins. This place was much darker.

She stood in an infinitely dense forest. The bark was black, but the leaves emitted a faint green glow. The sky was dark blue, as if it had just turned dark, yet there were no stars shining in the distance. Where the hell was she? She recalled the warm voice; it came out of nowhere. It was the white woman. Did she bring her back to life? Wow, she must be really powerful.

As she rose from the hard ground, she felt something sharp against her backside. "Ah, darn it!" Chara cursed angrily, reaching into her pocket. The pure heart. Merlin gave it to her, but it didn't glow like the others. He mentioned that the magic was fading. And now Chara had broken it into pieces. Great.

She would have to solve that problem later; for now, she needed to get out of here. So, she started walking.

She found every tree looking the same. Just trees. Of course, there were a few large rocks and violet plants, but nothing else. Chara was slowly getting panicked. Maybe Dimenzio just teleported her somewhere else? She recoiled as she saw a bright light. Was that the white woman!? Oh my god, she was so lucky. She would surely save her. The woman was like a guardian angel. However, as she approached the light, her joy turned into disappointment. A woman sat on a rock. Her entire body was pale, and her hair fluttered in the wind, even though there was no wind. Was that... a ghost?

The brown-haired girl walked closer to her. "Um, hello?" But she received no response, and the ghost stared into the distance. "Hello??" Chara said, more impatient this time, placing her hand on the ghost's shoulder. However, her hand passed through. For a moment, her hand felt ice-cold. Is this how ghosts feel? The brown-haired girl thought it was pointless and stomped away.

Not long after, she heard a voice. A singing voice. Someone was singing! Oh, finally, someone!! She followed the singing and arrived at a large rock. On it stood a little girl with golden hair and four small wings. She wore a long white dress, and her singing was truly amazing.

"Ohh, when will my dream prince finally come?" the girl lamented. "He will surely be beautiful."

"Hey, you there!" Chara called out to her. "Can you help me get out of here?"

As the girl noticed Chara, her gentle expression immediately turned sinister. "Huh?! Why are you staring at me, you stupid cow! I asked for a man, not a woman!" she angrily shouted down and turned away from Chara, ignoring Chara's furious ranting.

(Chara's rant: Many swear words)

Chara snorted angrily and continued on. She hated kids, even though she was still one herself.

After a while, she arrived at a large building. It was a dark silver castle. It had no door but a large entrance. Many strange creatures were coming in and out. What were those things...?

Chara tried to avoid the creatures and entered the castle. It was even bigger than it looked! Candles illuminated the hallways and rooms. A long, dark red carpet stretched through the entire space. A chandelier hung over the creatures. Chara tried to understand what the creatures were talking about, but they all spoke in a strange language that Chara couldn't comprehend. So, they probably wouldn't understand Chara either... URGH, WHAT SHOULD SHE DO?? She practically tore her hair out. How long had she been down here? It felt like years already. What about the others? Was the world still intact, or was it too late?! Maybe she had to stay here forever! That darn Dimenzio-!

"Are you okay, my dear child?" suddenly said a smoky voice. Chara turned around and spotted a tall woman, a few meters taller than she was. The woman had long violet hair and wore a black and pink dress. A black crown adorned her head, and black makeup adorned her face.

"Uh, I... Where am I?" Chara stammered, somewhat overwhelmed by the imposing woman.

"You don't know where you are?" The stranger chuckled, as if Chara had just made a joke. "You're in the Underworld. Here come all those who have lost their lives. Most of them wander around as ghosts; some wait for someone special, and the others never find peace. And when they're ready, they dissolve, and no one knows what happens next, not even me. Only those who have done wrong end up in the Underworld. I am the Queen of the Underworld, Mortimi. But tell me... you look very lively."

Chara didn't know what to say, so she nodded slightly. "Uh, yeah, I actually exploded, but I'm alive... I think."

"Your soul is still intact, and you're not a ghost either... how peculiar. Maybe Opapi knows more about it," mumbled the Queen to herself. "I sense a mysterious energy in you." Chara believed she knew what the Queen meant and showed her the remaining pieces of the Pure Heart. "What happened to the Pure Heart?" the Queen asked excitedly, taking the pieces into her hands. Chara explained what had happened, desperately hoping for help to repair the heart and return home.

"I would like to help you, but my magic is not meant for repairing objects. Opapi, however, can certainly assist you; he is the King of the Upper World," explained the Queen, returning the pieces to Chara. "You must go through a tunnel in the north; it's the only way to reach the Upper World." Chara nodded and was about to run off when the Queen spoke again, "Oh, and one more thing! While you're in there, find a girl with golden hair; her name is Liebidi. She's my and Opapi's daughter. Apparently, she ran away again, the foolish girl. Bring her back to the Upper World."

The brown-haired girl sighed in annoyance, but she shrugged it off. She nodded and quickly made her way to the gate. She had to hurry; she didn't want to waste any more time.

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