Chapter 6

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The Dark Knight

Damn, he kinda-


It took a long time before Chara asked, "Where is Christopher?"

"I hope he's okay," Simon hoped with concern. Chris was his only best friend, and it would be very bad if something happened to him.

"We can't waste time," Frisk muttered and looked around. "I've got it!" she suddenly exclaimed, grabbed Ink by his arm, and pulled him along. Chara and Simon looked at the two of them confused.

Then the trumpets sounded again. "Hear ye, hear ye!" the old king called out once more. "We shall now commence our final competition!" The two immediately positioned themselves close to the fence to see everything. "On one side, the intimidating and magnificent dark knight!" Cheers and applause erupted from the audience as a tall man in dark and sinister armor appeared, the horse also very large with black mane and fur. Both looked quite intimidating and exuded a dark aura.

"He doesn't look friendly..." Simon murmured, and Chara stared at the knight intimidatingly.

"On the other side, we have the strongest and most special knight! Ink the Great!" Ink entered the field, wearing a shining white armor with a long golden lance in hand. The steed he rode was a... donkey.

"Is that INK?!" Chara burst out laughing. Even Simon and other spectators couldn't help but laugh.

"You're so mean!" Frisk exclaimed and stood next to Chara.

"Did Christopher not find a horse?" Simon asked.

"Yeah, we met him on the way, and he only gave us the armor and lance, so we had to use the remaining money we had to buy a donkey. Which means we have to sleep outdoors again," explained Frisk, and Chara's laughter disappeared immediately. Thanks a lot, Chris...

"Are our contestants in their positions?" shouted the pretend king. Ink felt how excited he was. Yes, he could hear the laughter from the others, but he didn't care! He just had to win the heart. "The rules are simple. The first one to fall off their steed loses. Ready?" Even though it was challenging to see through the helmet, he recognized how formidable his opponent was. The guy was easily two meters taller than Ink, and his red eyes shining through the helmet gave him the chills (if he had skin).

He would manage this; he believed in himself and his friends. He held his lance ready and waited for the signal. Then a loud bang echoed, and his opponent charged. The donkey got scared and ran swiftly. Ink had to be careful not to fall himself. They were getting closer; soon it would happen.

"Hehehe..." chuckled the red-haired boy, adjusting his glasses, which then began to glow red. So did Ink's lance, pointing it in the opposite direction. Before Ink could react, the Dark Knight's lance collided with his chest. It was a tremendous pain, and he was pushed hard backward, but he managed to hold onto the donkey in time. What was that? Was his lance cursed or something?

His chest hurt; it was a harsh impact. He gasped for air. "Ink! Are you okay?" a familiar voice called out, Frisk. She couldn't hear him, so he just nodded. "He's entirely made of bones; if he breaks something..."

"He'll survive; his bones aren't that fragile," Chara said to reassure Frisk a bit.

Ink returned to his position. Even though he couldn't see the face of the Dark Knight, he knew he was probably grinning broadly. The signal sounded again, and both knights started to run. There it was again. The lance appeared to be slightly glowing red and moved in a different direction. Ink tried to move the lance, but it didn't budge. Then came the impact. It was even worse than before. However, Ink could prepare better this time and held onto the donkey. Enough was enough. He needed to use his magic on the lance.

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