Chapter 18

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The wind whispered secrets as it danced through the trees

After another fall through the void, Chara woke up on the ground. Oh God, her head ached... Slowly, she rose from the ground, holding her head. Around her were debris of wooden beams and torn or ignited books. Merlin's house was no more, just ruins. The roof was gone, and the walls stood only halfway raised on the ground. The Masked guy caused serious chaos.

"Chara? Is that you?" said a familiar voice behind her. She turned to the voice and saw a dark-skinned person, Simon. He held a few books in his arms but let them drop to the ground when their eyes met. "You're alive?" He had a few small scratches on his face, and his clothes were covered in dust.

"Who are you talking to?" croaked an old voice before Chara could answer; it was Merlin. "Oh my goodness," he whispered when he saw Chara. She looked around, but there was no sign of the white skeleton.

"Where's Ink?" she asked, getting closer to them.

"I thought you were dead..." Simon mumbled, still confused.

"I really have NO time to explain this to you. I need to go right away. WHERE. IS. INK?" she said impatiently, her red ruby eyes staring directly into their souls.

The old man cleared his throat: "When the Masked man attacked you, the skeleton went berserk and attacked the Masked man. You can see how it turned out," pointing sadly to his house.

"He then disappeared, and a castle appeared up there," Simon explained, looking up. Chara followed his gaze and saw a dark castle floating above the void. The hole was much larger now and had already consumed half the meadow. Damn. "Ink then summoned something and flew to the castle. I couldn't follow him."

"I need to go after him," Chara muttered nervously, scratching her head. But how could she get up there? You needed wings to reach that castle; it was almost flying above the clouds. Who else could fly? Then two shadows flew over her. Dragons! Without a second thought, she ran and shouted up to them. She screamed at the top of her lungs, not caring how she looked; she needed to get the attention of the two dragons. She noticed both of them flying lower and landing. She ran as fast as she could towards them, ignoring the pain in her legs. It felt like her boots were getting too tight. She recognized the two dragons: the slender one with dark red scales and long black horns and the other one, broad-shouldered with light brown scales.

"I have to go up there!" Chara almost screamed, pointing at the flying castle.

"Are you crazy, little one?" laughed the slender red dragon, revealing his sharp yellow teeth. "No one goes up there."

"Our orders are to take every civilian to Babylon. Are you alone, or are there others with you?" said the brown dragon, his voice much harder and stricter than the red one's. Maybe Frisk was in Babylon with their parents; that's where she'd want to go first. But she couldn't go to Babylon now; she had to help Ink.

"I have to go to that castle! I'm trying to save this world, and then it'll be your fault if you all die!" Chara was completely beside herself, reeking and looking like a cavewoman who had been sitting in a cave for days. The two dragons stared at her as if she were insane.

"What is going on here?" asked a new voice, a third dragon landing behind the other two. They immediately made way for him. It was a white dragon, the same size as the brown one but as slender as the red dragon. He looked much older and wiser. His gray eyes glanced down at Chara.

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