Chapter 4: The Time Turner

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Mum didn't like the name Ursa. Said it reminded her too much of an evil villain in a movie she watched as a child who tried to steal a mermaid's voice. Dad found it silly, but relented. Instead she was named after the North Star. Polaris. Stella Maris was the Star of the Sea. A guiding light that always protected and showed people the way home.

Her parents were hoping that she'd be the calm one whilst Scorpius was the broody hard-charger. He lashed out which apparently is what Dad used to do until the war made him control his emotions better. The truth was that she was as temperamental as Scorp, but she tended to hide her feelings a lot better than he did unless it triggered her inferiority complex. She'd been getting better, but it was a nasty shadow. Mum wanted Stella to follow no one and be an independent witch with her own path to follow.

Stella slipped on the cloak, looking at herself in the mirror again. She might not be as strong as the rest of them, but that didn't make her useless. If Dad had practically dug up all of Feldcroft trying to find this mysterious relic, then maybe he was going about this all wrong. He didn't need to be researching a potion that could simultaneously harm and prolong Mum's life.

He needed the relic.

And if he couldn't find it in 2024, then he needed to go to the last time it was spotted. In the late 19th century. What year had the journal been written in? Blast him for taking it. 1899? 1890? 1898?

Her lip curled in irritation. No matter. Tonight, she'd go to the Manor, but not to attend a party. She'd go to find Mum's old Time-Turner that Professor McGonagall had let her keep so she could accomplish more tasks for the Ministry than the day allowed.

Draco and Hermione Malfoy had named her after a star and constellation. She was independent and quick on her feet.

She was a Malfoy and a Granger, after all.

And she was going to use this opportunity to prove to them once and for all, that she wasn't the weak link in the constellation. Given the chance, Stella could burn brightly too. She would do what the three of them had yet to.

Save Hermione Malfoy.

Chapter 4: The Time Turner

She could smell the lilies the moment she stepped past the Floo Chimney. Brushing residual powder off her cloak, Stella glanced around to see that everyone was here already. The Potters, Knotts, Zabinis, Weasleys, Scamanders, Longbottoms-Practically all of Mum and Dad's old schoolmates. A few older Professors appeared and those that Mum was well acquainted with at the Ministry... All to say goodbye.

"Our favorite star has appeared." Teddy purred, noticing her from the staircase.

Under atypical circumstances, she might have been attracted to him. Teddy was like his dad, wavy brown hair that was always styled perfectly well-mannered. Wearing a luxurious suit that was custom, it enhanced his figure to appear more bulky and masculine. He'd been working out lately.

Stella ignored him and walked toward his partner in crime, greeting Blaine Zabini, who was far more tolerable. "Hi, Blaine. Where's Scorp?"

"Ah, don't be like that, star. When are you going to admit that you're madly in love with me?" Teddy grinned, opening his mouth to say something else when Scorpius started descending down the staircase.

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