Chapter 47: Murder on the Dance floor

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Between each punch, Ominis snapped, "I—" punch. "—Much—" punch. "—Prefer—" punch. "—Being—" punch. "—On—" punch. "—Top."

...So unserious... Stella mused quietly to herself, before she felt a hand fist her hair and she shrieked in surprise. Ominis' head snapped towards her, but she couldn't see his expression as it focused on the wizard hauling her to her feet by her hair.

Pain radiated from the top of her head and she went to attack the man with her nails, when Ominis shouted. "Now, Eden!"

The witch hadn't even realized Eden had entered the room until the snake revealed itself slithering towards them with incredible speed. Using the momentum, she lifted her body off the ground, almost soaring into the air, and her fangs were out.

Stella watched with morbid amazement as venom leaked from her fangs before they sank into Jack's hand that had been holding her.

"Argh!" He cried out, waving his hand and the snake, trying to throw her off.

Ominis went to walk towards them, but swore as a hand grabbed his ankle and made him fall forward. "Haven't you had enough?!"

Stella shifted her attention back to Eden and Jack, brushing her hair back, and wincing as her scalp was sensitive from the abrupt pulling.

All her pain seemed trivial when she watched Jack swing the blade towards Eden. She was still latched onto his hand, refusing to let go until the venom kicked into his system.

"NO!" Ominis roared, his fear palpable as he kicked the wizard in the face, "Let go!" His voice cracked at the end.

To who he ordered, she wasn't sure. What she did know was that Eden was precious to her too. It was why she didn't hesitate to throw herself towards Eden. She came in between the blade and the snake, feeling a searing pain scrape against her bare back. So this is how she would die. 

That ghost had tried to warn her. 

She just didn't listen well enough.

Chapter 47: Murder on the Dance Floor


Eden let go of Jack as Stella crashed to the ground, landing on her abdomen while her forearms took the brunt of her fall. Her right wrist had definitely broken and the crack still echoed in his mind.

With Eden and Stella on the ground, Ominis felt his wrath shatter through the wards. He didn't need his wand to channel his rage as blue fire roared around them. To cast an extremely powerful dark charm such as protego diabolica, the user needed a wand and an impressive supply of magic inside them. It could kill hundreds of enemies if need be. He hadn't been able to cast it in the Catacombs, but seeing the suffering on Stella's face...

All this intent and power needed... He snapped. Ominis was able to wield it nonverbally and wand-less. This all-consuming rage he felt demanded their blood and their agony. If he wasn't so focused on the wounded witch, maybe he'd have killed them. Instead, that few seconds of distraction allowed the two cowards to get away. Poppy gasped and Disapparated, not wanting the Dark magic to destroy her corporeal body.

Jack, still faceless in the shadows, held the back of his hand as he too Disapparated from sight. He wanted to track the bastard down and rip his entrails out—same with Poppy—but Stella was trying to sit herself up, despite her wrist being broken.

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