Chapter 45: Listen to Me - Mature Read

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He didn't fight her on that, now resting both of his hands on her thighs while she moved her hips again. When she shifted in a particular way; her arse pressed against his groin, and she noticed his fingers twitch.


She made the same movement, watching those long fingers curl into fists. Her eyes widened a bit. Was he getting turned on? Was he affected by the club's aura? Weren't these potions supposed to stop them from getting horny? Did they not work or was she seeing things?

For science, Stella went to do it again, but also just to be a brat. A quiet growl reverberated next to her ear. "Don't you fucking dare." He hissed.

Her mouth went dry at the authority in his voice. He'd never spoken to her like that. Not as if she held the scissors of fate and could choose to either save or end his life in this moment. "Don't what?"

"Don't play coy. You know precisely what you're doing." Ominis' voice was lower or maybe it was more gravelly now as he sounded like he was fighting with himself.

Stella tilted her head at the sound, rolling her hips slightly. An almost choked noise escaped him and she felt his hand slide up her inner thigh. Without any warning, she felt him shift her body on top of him, and then she felt it.

The fabric between them did nothing to hide how hard he was. From the way he positioned her on his lap, she was straddling his thigh and his cock twitched in his trousers at the new position. Everything in her traitorous body was encouraging her to rub against him like a dog in heat.

"You want to play our parts and make it all the more believable?" Her thighs clenched when she heard him this time. Sensual and seductive, it took only his voice to make her eyes grow hooded with lust. She'd fucked up. She'd teased the sociopath too much tonight and he was going to make her suffer the consequences. There was a cause and effect, "Then by all means, princess. Let's show everyone how desperate you are for my cock."

A quiet, breathy moan escaped her lips without permission.

He went still at the noise and she felt his hand curl around the base of her throat. He pulled her back by her throat, his lips touching the outer shell of her ear. "Make that noise for me again."

Chapter 45: Listen to Me - Mature Read

Her cheeks grew hot. "The potion didn't work." She turned her head to give him a sideways glare, "It's the Amortentia in the air. Should we leave if we're...feeling like this?"

"The potion worked." His lip curled up in a wicked smile, adding a little pressure to squeeze her throat before dropping his hand, "You naturally became turned on, princess."

Indignation made the lights appear redder around her. "I did not-I am not."

He cocked an eyebrow, not believing her in the slightest. "So if I slide my fingers here," Stella's hip jerked towards him, feeling the leather brush against her covered core as his hand snuck past the fabric of her dress, "I wouldn't find you wet for me?"

Deflection became her weapon of choice. "You're hot and bothered too."

Stella's words amused him and he removed his hand from under her dress and positioned them both on her hips, "It's a sex club and I've got a pretty princess rubbing her arse against me. It's not as unbelievable as you're making it out to be. You've been sexually attracted to me since the night we met."

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