Chapter 46: Outwitting the Mastermind

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The witch pulled away as he dropped her carefully onto the ground. Her legs wobbled and when he steadied her, she found him smirking down at her.

"Something to say?" She inquired, trying to sound coherent despite the post-orgasmic glow. She'd never had two orgasms before. He didn't even truly fuck her and he was able to exploit her body like this. Stella eyed him, knowing she was in huge trouble. That huge trouble being his cock and his tongue. And his fingers. Merlin, she'd been right about his fingers, but she wanted to feel his bare skin on her. All thoughts left her as she watched him flash her a wicked grin.

Ominis reached forward, dragging a finger up her slit and gathering her arousal. She watched as he boldly brought his finger to his mouth and licked it slowly. She saw his tongue shine a bit brighter from the added wetness and his smirk grow when he swallowed her taste. "Instead of foods I hate, I'll give you a list of my favorites. You are at the top of my list, princess."

He winked as the door behind them flew open.

Chapter 46: Outwitting the Mastermind

There was a woman, followed by two large wizards. Stella wanted to make the joke that they reminded her of the hulk, but no one would get the reference. She peered over his shoulder to see the brunette dressed in a lady's suit with no shirt underneath. The blazer hinted at small breasts, but when she looked up at Ominis; his gaze didn't lower or steer away from her face.

If anything, he looked rather unimpressed.

"I'm surprised you own this place." He mused, tilting his head slightly, "I didn't think taking advantage of poverty was your fancy, Poppy Sweeting."

Poppy didn't look phased, "I'm surprised you had the audacity to walk into my club." She glanced over at the two goons, "Bring him here." The wizard that Ominis had performed the Cruciatus Curse stepped out behind the men and didn't dare look at Ominis' face, "This wizard claims you crucio'd him when he tried to buy this woman."

Buy? More like inappropriately touch.

"She's off the market. I'm a paying customer tonight." Ominis replied cooly, but knowing his mannerisms better, she could see the muscle in his jaw twitch.

He was raging inside. If Poppy's words were the flutter of a butterfly's wing, then Ominis would be the tsunami to destroy everything in his path with no mercy.

"I'll pay 500 galleons." The man interjected, shooting a nervous look between the goons behind him and Poppy.

"500 galleons?" She couldn't tell what his anger was stemming from until he revealed it, "She's worth more than that. Surely you can do better."

Stella did the quick math in her head, estimating that to be around 2,400 pounds. For one night? Merlin how much money were these women making? Hastily, she brushed her intrusive thoughts away. This wasn't the time to be estimating how much she was worth.

"700." The man retorted, a bead of sweat breaking on his temple while Ominis remained impassive and still unimpressed, "Fine, then 1400. I'll pay 1400 galleons for her tonight."

Poppy smiled cheerfully at the blonde witch, "You're making me quite a bit of money tonight. I'll be sure to put you on display tomorrow."

Stella resisted the urge to fall back behind Ominis, but she did find her hand gripping the back of his coat with nervousness and anxiety coating her voice. "I won't go with him."

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