Chapter 7: Introducing Hell's Latest Sociopath

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Nothing was there and yet carnal fear raged through her.

She stammered out a response, eyes still searching for the man that considered her prey. For her, it was only moments ago. "There was a man. He was trying to kill me. I-I think he was the person the ghost told me about. Jack the Ripper-"

For the first time, the aristocrat beside her appeared to really see her. In the very short time since they'd met, it was clear that he thought her a bother and insignificant, but what she said now interested him. "You stumbled across him?"

Lucan's eyes widened, "You survived him?"

The night was catching up with her. She'd found out her mother didn't want to die, but was losing hope on finding where this relic was buried. She'd been emotionally drained, having to face her feelings of inferiority and still hold her head up high. Traveling over a hundred years into the past only to end up in the worst parts of London, then... Then someone... Someone...

Stella couldn't form cohesive thoughts anymore. "I...I'm...I..."

Nothing more was said as darkness consumed her.

All she remembered was looking up at a pair of mismatched eyes that held no warmth or sincerity. They were cold, ruthless, and she felt as if Death had kinder eyes than these. At least Death greeted people. At least Death had a conscience.

This man would have let her drown in the deepest parts of the Thames River without lifting a single finger.

Chapter 7: Introducing Hell's Latest Sociopath

Part of her expected to wake up in a bed with no idea how she got there. That's how it was in books and films, correct? The heroine wakes up with sunshine on her face and is greeted by the stranger that will undoubtedly fall in love with her. Birds are heard chirping through a partially open window and everything ends up working out?

Instead, Stella woke up on another stone floor, but at least this one wasn't outside. She sat up, pulling her cloak around her tighter. It was desperately in need of a few scourgify charms, covered in dirt. The cell wasn't even large enough for a bed. Bars decorated the front of her and she could make out someone sitting in a chair opposite from the jail cell.


He was levitating an apple up and down, bored out of his mind. Realizing she'd woken up, he perked up.

"You're awake."

Stella cleared her throat, feeling parched. "What a genius observation. Are you always this observant?"

Lucan gave her a flat look, "Listen, I can only tolerate one sarcastic wanker and you're not exactly in a position to be so rude."

"Speaking of," Stella patted her pockets, "Where is my wand? And-" She reached beneath her cloak, feeling only her Malfoy necklace, "You took the T-the hourglass?"

Her wand being gone was an issue.

The Time Turner being gone? Absolutely catastrophic.

"Well that's why you're in here." Lucan reflected, standing up. "Not even for turning an Auror into a chicken, but for stealing."

Stella balked at the accusation, "Stealing? Pray tell me, what did I steal?"

"That device is property of the Unspeakables. The Department of Mysteries identified it as a finished version of a prototype they're working on and they confiscated it."

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