Chapter 33: The Worst Torture

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He planned to murder his brother? "You can't do that." She breathed out.

His face was expressionless for the most part, but it was his tone that revealed how truly furious and vengeful he was. Stella couldn't stomach the hate and resentment that bled out of his voice, "For every lash and everything he's put me through, Marvolo doesn't have a future where he ends up happy with a family. He will beg and plead for his life and then I'll snap his neck. It's been decided, Stella. There's nothing you could say to change my mind."


He called her Stella.

All because of how serious he was in proclaiming that he would murder his elder brother. Bile rose up in her throat as she thought of the repercussions for that action. If Marvolo died...

There would be no Morfin and Merope.

There would be no Tom Riddle.

There would be no Voldemort.

There would be no union between Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger.

There would be no Scorpius.

And there would be no Stella.

"If you do that..." Stella's eyes watered and she tried to blink the tears away, but they still fell down her cheeks, "Then I'll never exist. You and I will have never met if you kill your brother, Ominis."

Chapter 33: The Worst Torture

Ominis' POV

He half listened to Lucan drone on about the Whitechapel case, making it a point to comment again that Hobhouse would see him, and they'd have to face an interrogation from Singer about why they was in Whitechapel.

It was fine. If Singer gave him a case in Whitechapel and then questioned him for it, she'd be the one to look like an idiot. He didn't have time for it. What he did have time for was the witch staring down at her tea with a blank expression.

Ominis spoke in Parseltongue first to Eden, "Check and see if she's alive." Switching to English, he spoke to Lucan. "Go to the Ministry and tell Singer we'll be in Whitechapel due to a case. Then Hobhouse can royally fuck off when he finds out we're there."

"Since when have you cared about getting permission first?" Lucan looked at him confused. Ominis merely replied with a steely look, annoyed at being questioned.

Lucan swallowed and mumbled that he'd owl when permission was granted before leaving the house. Now, the Pureblood settled his gaze on the witch who was absently biting her lip. If it had been nine years ago, he'd have pulled that lip from her teeth with his hand. He'd have made her look up at him as he leaned over the table, asking who was distracting her from such an important conversation. Maybe she would have blushed and maybe he'd close the distance between their faces, finally getting a taste. That was then. This was now.

Now he kept his hands to himself and watched as Eden nudged her cheek. 'She's alive.'

"Why wouldn't I be?" She answered, seemingly by accident until she realized the Lucan had run off, "Where'd he go?"

"On a fool's errand." Getting permission was a cause for annoyance, but the effect was buying him time to see what was bothering her. "What were you thinking of just now?"

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