Chapter 31: First Day of Training with a Tyrant

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"What happened to the twins? Did they have another relative?"

Ominis set down his fork, looking troubled. "They did. Unfortunately that family member thought they'd be inheriting the money their parents had. When paperwork was fumbled and ruled as a suicide, and that family member learned he'd get nothing-He abandoned the twins in an orphanage. I don't know what happened to them after that. They probably got split up and should be attending Hogwarts if their adoptive families were kind to them." A few heartbeats of silence passed. "It was then that I decided that I wouldn't leave the incompetency of the Ministry to handle such delicate affairs. After Hogwarts, I pursued a career in magical law enforcement. Became an Auror."

Stella frowned at the sad ending and the way Ominis had to live his life, but no one would ever guess how miserable he actually was compared to the way he presents and holds himself. Why did he trust her with such valuable information. That's what this was, right?

"Thank you." She murmured, leaving it open ended for him to theorize what exactly she was thankful for.

"Don't be." He replied back, finishing off the cheesecake while Eden yawned. "You shared something with me. I shared something in return. Hopefully next time it can be body fluid."

Stella choked on her water, coughing as he laughed and stood up. A teasing glint in his eyes as he stared at her darkly for a moment. The prat started to walk away, holding his hand up in a backwards wave without even looking at her, "Night, Princess. Don't let the spiders bite tonight, I'm tired."

As if she wanted to get poisoned again. She wiped her mouth with a napkin, scowling at her dress which had now been splattered with water. Tobbs would get her a pair of nightwear to change into.

Tonight she'd drawn out a conclusion from him, maybe even without him knowing. There had been two choices tonight. To refuse the cheesecake she'd eaten part of or not. Even if he didn't answer her question, she still would have given it to him because she had another agenda tonight.

It proved that he wasn't afraid of germs like she'd suspected.

It was the other.

Ominis Gaunt hated being touched.

Chapter 31: First Day of Training with a Tyrant

Stella yawned for the second time time, glancing around the large room. It was split into three sections from what she could tell. Entering the room, the immediate left was a large rectangle the size of a swimming pool-but it was sealed off with a metal sheet. Over the metal sheet were dueling lines along with the phases of a moon in white.

"Is there really a pool underneath there?" Stella pointed over to the left, shifting her attention to the tall prat dressed in athletic clothes.

He wore loose grey trousers that were similar to sweatpants and a loose white cotton t-shirt over it. She was surprised to see he still wore gloves even when working out. The woman's outfit Tobbs had selected was archaic and heavy. So she transfigured it into a pair of black leggings and a eucalyptus green crop top that bared only a couple inches of her midriff. Ominis had only asked if that was what she wore in the future and she explained a bit about fashion on the way down.

"Yes," He pulled out his wand, pointing it towards the metal sheet that disappeared. It wasn't just a swimming pool, through magic or some sort of mechanism fierce waves continuously rose up from the water. Stella took a step back on instinct, terrified of the harsh waves that promised to drown her, "I find it to be the best work out for stamina and strength conditioning."

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