Chapter 22: The Devil Bargains

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His patience was gone. His good mood had soured earlier and now it was replaced by something that manifested itself as indignation and outrage.

"She drank water laced with a truth serum ingredient. She can't lie at the moment." He answered, eyeing him carefully, "I may have made a joke that you'd take advantage of the situation and she left like a bowtruckle avoiding a forest fire."

A slow, sensual smile spread across his lips. "Is that right?"

Lucan looked apprehensive. "What are you planning?"

"Nothing of your concern. I want a list of every customer in the past five days who has purchased flowers in that shop." He jerked his head towards the florist, "Cross reference which have partners and which don't, and then start making house visits. Identify any couples that seem to be on frigid terms or men more likely to cheat. Have it ready by tonight."

He was rewarded with a gaping expression, "That's a lot of work to be done by supper."

Ominis' smile was brilliant. "Then you ought to get started, no?"

As he walked away, Lucan called out even more exasperated than before, "And what will you be doing?"

The aristocrat didn't turn around as he threw up his hand in a wave, "The princess ran away. It's only fair I give her something to run from."

He didn't necessarily care that she had something she wanted to hide from him. Now that he knew there might be something substantial he'd miss, he'd find out the truth sooner or later. After all, he was quite good at manipulating people for the truth.

But she'd run away.

And he did so enjoy a good hunt.

The princess ought to know better than to try and outsmart the wicked wolf. It was only a matter of time before he ate her up.

Chapter 22: The Devil Bargains

Note to self: Ask for money before running off.

Other note to self: Have a plan in mind when running away.

Another note to self: Don't take drinks from strangers without knowing what's in it.

Ice and snow crunched beneath her boots as she pulled her coat closer around her. It was mid to late afternoon now and she was positively starving. Breakfast had been delicious and if she went back to Ominis' flat right now; Tobbs would likely greet her with some hot tea and biscuits. Even if she turned down the biscuits, she could whip herself up a wrap or something that would ease the emptiness in her stomach.

After an embarrassing encounter witch a merchant who asked if she wanted to buy her handmade goods, Stella refused to talk to anyone. Telling the merchant her goods were ugly and she didn't have any money had slipped out of her mouth without warning.

The poor woman looked upset and Stella couldn't even pay her to soothe over the burn of her words. In short: she was a terrible person to be around at the moment. Especially if the art looked like someone took a wee over a canvas.

Pushing down an experience she'll probably never live down, Stella instead glanced ahead at the small shop with a large ocean blue sign overhead.


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