Chapter 25: The Next Victim

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"It wouldn't have happened if you were paying attention." He pointed out before walking over to a bookshelf in the living room. It looked as if he was looking for something in particular as his eyes scanned the different works, "And before you argue that you were, I didn't hear your annoying voice down the hall. You've been silent the past fifteen minutes."

Cleaning up the mess, she waved her wand to pour the apples into a baking dish with the cake mixture on top, "You could always cast a charm on the door if my voice is that grating to hear."

His lips twitched, likely amused at the bitter tone to her voice. "What are you both making for supper?"

"Tobbs is making salmon with an avocado mixture. The Miss recommended it."

Ominis raised an eyebrow, picking out a book with a skull on it. The title was too small for her to read at this distance. "Sounds atrocious."

Seeing the look on Tobbs' face, Stella shot him a nasty one. "You could always eat out or maybe Eden can catch a rat for you."

'He's not worth the effort.' Eden drawled in an airy voice. A small indignant hiss left her tongue when Ominis 'accidentally' placed the book on her tail. 'Brat.'

He smirked at her before shifting his gaze to the baking dish Stella had placed in the oven, "What is that?"

She brightened, "Eve's pudding. I heard it's your favorite."

Flecks of silver appeared in his eyes, but before he could spew hate from his devilish tongue, there was a knock on the door. Tobbs answered it while the Salmon cooked to reveal Lucan. His expression was grumpy and tired. That was reflected in his voice sevenfold.

"I think we have a lead for the Widow's next victim."

Chapter 25: The Next Victim

"What's that smell? Is that supper?" Lucan sniffed, "It smells delicious."

Ominis sat in the chair next to Eden, poking her in the cheek as the snake purposefully ignored the prat, "None for you. Unless you brought me some interesting."

"I've spent all day talking to people—"

"I fail to see how that's my problem." Ominis spoke in a slow, lazy way that contradicted with how important the information Lucan had if he was willing to show up on his doorstep in the evening.

Lucan levitated a file she didn't realized he'd been holding over to the dining room table, "Alban White. Owner of the White Wyvern. Notorious cheat. Blokes had it coming if you ask me."

Stella helped Tobbs begin to plate the dishes, adding an extra for Lucan. "What's the White Wyvern?"

"Not a place you need to worry about, princess." Ominis mused darkly, sifting through different parchments all with information carefully collected by Lucan.

He was making fun of her, she was sure of it, but couldn't discern how. Did he find her too lacking to frequent that sort of place? Too innocent? Too naive? Did he think she was useless too?

Lucan answered, seeing her disparaging glare towards the sociopath down the table, "It's a pub in Knockturn Alley. The kind his brother often frequents."

Stella thought about pressing the question; about what sort of brother Marvolo was, but she had history to tell her. No use putting Ominis in a worse mood than he already seemed to be from earlier. "Ah. I think that's still around; my Dad used to talk about a pub where Death Eaters visited."

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