Chapter 21: An Art Lesson from Hell

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"How is it living with Ominis and Eden?" Lucan asked curiously, "Does he insult you 24/7 or does he have an off switch?"

Stella smiled at that, "I don't think he has an off switch. Eden is lovely, but it's not fair that her owner is such an attractive prat."

Lucan stopped suddenly, almost tripping over his feet. "Merlin. You think he's attractive? Most witches tend to be demure about it."

Blinking repeatedly, the words escaped Stella without her permission. "He's the most attractive man I've ever met." A curse left her, "Bloody-What-I can't stop from myself from answering a question honestly."

A laugh escaped Lucan. His eyes shined with amusement. "Well I suppose we found out the effects of that gillyweed drink. I forgot Jobberknoll feathers are used in truth serums."

Stella paled. "Then it's essentially a lower dose of veritaserum."

The other wizard nodded as they arrived at the sweets shop. "I'd avoid the boss if I were you. No doubt he'd loved to take advantage of your situation for his own amusement."

Anxiety spread itself up the walls of her heart like English Ivy. She could only imagine the kinds of truths he would demand from her tongue if only to see her squirm.


Not a chance.

It was time to avoid Ominis Gaunt at all costs.

Chapter 21: An Art Lesson from Hell


He ignored the looks a few witches and wizards sent him. A mixture of suspicion, bewilderment, and respect simply due to his status as a Gaunt. It wasn't uncommon to see Pureblood families in Knockturn Alley. Although they were referred to as 'pure' their intentions hardly were.

For example, the Malfoys were exiting Borgin and Burkes no doubt with some beastly artefact to cause harm to someone. It made his lip twitch, thinking about how such an innocent and naive creature could hail from a family like that.

'What are we doing here?' Eden inquired, flashing her fangs at a witch that got too close. It sent the beggar scurrying elsewhere, 'This is hardly a place you belong in, little one.'

Ominis' lip raised in amusement, replying back in Parseltongue. "Those imbeciles were poisoned, no? Where better to check than here?"

He swished his wand towards the wooden door. A crooked sign overhead read, 'SHYVERWRETCH'S VENOMS AND POISONS.'

Eden hissed upon entering the establishment, seeing numerous snakes locked in cages along with spiders in glass tanks. A man, Zachary Feinstein stood behind the cash register, and looked at the black mamba in admiration.

"Mr. Gaunt." He greeted, one of his eyes tracking his movements as the other was an empty socket. "Finally here to give me a sample of your beautiful snake's venom?"

'With pleasure.' Eden hissed raising up in a defensive curl.

Ominis' smile was as deadly as Eden's. "Hold out your hand and you can see for yourself."

"Whoa," He cooed nervously, "Nice snake. Let's not kill the shopkeeper today, eh? What can I help you with today? I doubt you came here to buy something."

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