Chapter 18: First Day of Work

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Stella clenched her jaw. "Eat the damn soup, you insufferable wanker."

His eyes gleamed with mirth. "My, such vulgar language for such an insignificant little-" He looked down to see Eden staring back at him. Not a word in Parseltongue was exchanged and for a moment, he looked younger like a child getting caught being naughty. A grimace spread across his lips before he finally said something to her in Parseltongue. The snake made a noise back which made him roll his eyes and he took a step back from the entryway, opening the door wider. "Fine. Place it on the nightstand and go away."

"Are you going to eat it?" Stella asked sourly, doing just that with a wave of her wand, "Because if you're going to waste it, then I'll eat it myself."

He snorted inwardly, "My life is being threatened. I'll eat the damn soup."

Stella smirked at that, glancing down at Eden. "I'm sorry that only you can talk to him. I'm much better company than this rude arsehole."

Whatever Eden said back made an irritated expression cross his face, and he shut the door again in her face. Stella walked back into the living room, making a bowl for herself, and spent the rest of the evening calling him every insult in the book while reading an old German book he'd left out on the coffee table. It was about Fairytales.

She blatantly ignored him when he got a second bowl of soup.

And a third.

Chapter 18: First Day of Work

The blinds opened, casting a bright light on her face. Stella groaned inwardly and turned over, pulling the quilt over her head. She threw his earlier words back at him, hoping he'd get the point. "Go away."

She felt the quilt pulled away and blearily looked up to see someone smirking down at her, "No can do, princess. We have work to do."

"We?" What we?

"Did you think I was letting you sleep and eat here for free? Never mind all the clothing bags in my closet..." He crossed his arms as if miffed, but she knew he wasn't the materialistic type. He was holding it over her head because he knew she'd feel a sliver of guilt about it all. He wasn't materialistic, he was a manipulator. Ominis was dressed in a pair of black trousers with a matching vest and a white long sleeved shirt. As custom, he wore a pair of black gloves to match. "I had Lucan pick up the case files, he'll be here shortly."

Stella glanced over at the clock only to realize it was almost midmorning. She'd slept for a long time, but she'd also been exhausted. "How much time-"

A knock on the door answered her question. Before Tobbs could answer the door, Ominis piped up, "Wait until she's in my room. Lucan will probably have a heart attack seeing a woman in a nightdress."

"Master says wait for a moment, please." Tobbs said through the door.

Lucan scoffed loud enough to be heard, "We all know he's not that nice."

Stella glanced down at the white nightgown that came down to her ankles. "This is hardly disreputable." It wasn't even see-through and the material didn't cling to her. Back in 2024, she typically found an oversized shirt to wear and called it a night. "I could never live in this day and age." Interest sparked in his eyes, but she held up a hand. "No. I don't want to hear whatever sarcastic quip is about to come out of your mouth. I'm showering and changing, I'll be back in twenty."

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