Chapter 16: Klaud Nine's Training Pt.2

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Happy: no ma'am...
Erza: LIES!!! REQUIP: Heaven's Wheel Armor!
Happy: AHHHHH NATSU!!! *runs away terrified*
Me: *comes back from getting food* huh? What did I just miss? Oh well, let the training continue!

It was day two of my training with Klaud Nine, last night's fun at dinner was now like a distant memory as I dodged Lau Jimin's attacks again and again.

"You're getting much faster, if you continue like this then you may very well be able to dodge Lau Jimin's attacks every time." Klaud praised me. I didn't even have time to respond as Lau Jimin came at me again.

I won't fail you Master Klaud Nine!

I continued to dodge until my body couldn't take the stress anymore. I collapsed to my knees panting as sweat dripped from my face.

"You certainly have improved. Let's move on to something new. We're going to work power into your kicks so that even when you're Innocence isn't activated you can still destroy Akuma with your legs." I stood back up and waited for her to give me instructions. "See those practice dummies?" I looked at where she was pointing and there were four practice dummies: two made from a soft punchable material and the other two made from some type of metallic material.

"Yes." I answered hoping she wasn't going to have me kick those metal ones.

"We'll start you on the soft ones and progressively move you to the metallic ones. Your objective is to slice them in half perfectly." I looked at her shocked, but the look on her face told me if I didn't start now she was going to slice me in half perfectly.

"Yes ma'am." I walked up to one of the soft dummies and started kicking it with as much power as I had. I hardly even put a dent in it.

"Harder, use your speed to help." I followed as she instructed and started using my speed to make my kick stronger and faster.

My legs ached and I'm pretty sure had numerous bruises on them when she told me I could stop. I had managed to slice a little bit of the dummy, but no where near what she wanted me to do.

"For today that's good, don't get down on yourself it's natural that your legs aren't as powerful when you don't have your wings to back it up. Now go get some rest and food. Your legs are going to be pretty sore and bruised so tomorrow you can rest." I nodded and got up wincing at the pain.

"I've been meaning to ask, but why did you choose me as your apprentice?" She smiled and touched my head lightly.

"I see some of myself in you. You're struggling to find who you are, you're struggling to find where your heart lies. I was the same way when I first joined the Order. Have faith that you'll find your path soon, Crystal." I watched her walk out of the room.

Have faith that I'll find my path soon...

I took a step and nearly fell over.

"Until I realize who I am and where my heart lies I can't ever give up." I kept walking even though the pain was agonizing.

"Hey Crystal!" I heard Lavi's voice and looked back to see him, Allen and Lenalee walking towards me.

"Hey guys." I said stopping which was a big mistake because my legs gave out and I dropped to the ground.

"Are you alright?!" Allen asked helping me stand.

"Yeah, sorry I was kicking some dummies today and my legs are pretty banged up. I get tomorrow off to rest." I explained and Allen helped me the rest of the way to the cafeteria.

"Why was she making you kick dummies?" Lenalee asked confused.

"We've been working on my speed and power without my Innocence. Yesterday and today she had me dodging Lau Jimin's attacks, now I'm working on slicing a practice dummy in half perfectly with my kicks." I saw Lenalee and Lavi freeze.

"You had to dodge that monkey's attacks...? How are you still alive?" Allen flinched at Lavi's words.

I giggled lightly.

"At first I thought that too, but then I started to realize that it was getting easier. Now I'm just barely getting hit by them." I started shoving food in my face as the hunger set in.

"How are your legs my dear?" I heard Bookman ask. He had walked over to our table and I smiled gently.

"They're fine, how did you know my legs were hurt?" He sighed.

"The General informed me and asked me to come take a look at them." I turned and he bent down to inspect them. He pressed on my left leg and I gasped in pain. "hmm idiot General has been working your legs too hard, the bones are bruised severely. If you keep this up you could very well break them." I pulled them away and gave him a don't worry about me smile.

"I'm fine, I know my limits." I got up and started walking towards the door.

"Come to my room so I can treat those legs." Bookman said and I sighed following him.

"You really don't have to worry about me I'll be fine." He looked back at me but didn't say a word as we walked into his room.

"Sit." I sat down on the bed and he started tending to my legs. He wrapped them up and carefully helped me stand.

"I'm going to send for Lavi to take you to your room." I frowned.

"Bookman I can get back to my room just fine." He shook his head and called Lavi with his golem.

"Lavi, get down here and take her to her room I'd be worried if she tried by herself with the extent of her injuries." I heard him say in a hushed voice. I sighed and sat back down knowing I would be here until Lavi showed up to take me to my room.

I'm not some fragile little princess... I'm an Exorcist!

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