Chapter 25: Luna

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So another new Accommodator is coming in :)

Another two months have passed since I found Jake and Luke, it was pretty lonely without someone to keep you company. The only things I had to look forward to were the calls back to the Order and the hope that I'll see my friends again soon.

I was in some town in China again searching once again for an Accommodator.

It was a quiet quant town with not many people to it. I saw that a lot of them were giving me weird looks, probably because of my outfit.

"Excuse me, but you're not from around here are you?" A girl with dark blue hair like Kanda's and one blue eye and one eye covered with an eyepatch like Lavi said coming over to me.

"No I'm not, I'm from a village that's about 100 miles east of here." She nodded and signaled for me to follow her.

As we walked she seemed to be getting just as many looks as I was.

"You're not very popular around here either are you?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"It doesn't bother me one bit."

She's definitely the girl version of Kanda that's for sure...

"This is my home, please come in." She said holding the door open for me.

"Thank you." I walked inside and she shut the door and headed towards what I believed was the kitchen.

"I'm going to make some tea want some?" Her voice didn't hold that much emotion, but I wasn't going to try and press it.

"Sure, thank you."

"You're different than most people who come into this town. You have an air about you that screams different. What do you do for a living?" I tensed.

"Oh I'm a traveling mercenary." She stopped making the tea and looked at me like she didn't believe me.

"If you don't want to tell me you don't have to... just don't lie about it. I hate when people lie." I took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, I'm very picky about who I tell my life to. I've been traveling for a very long time, I guess I've forgotten what it's like to be around others. Forgive my rudeness."

"It's fine, don't worry about it. I know what it's like to be alone in the world." I heard the sadness in her voice.

"Let me guess your parents were killed?" I asked looking at the ground as she looked at me shocked.

"How did you-?!" I gave a pained chuckle.

"My family was murdered and I didn't even know for years... I was an outcast in my own village. I was taken away to be protected only now I'm not so sure if it was to protect me or make me into a monster..." I smelled the tea before she even handed it to me. "Thank you, it smells amazing."

She sat down across from me.

"What's your name?" I smiled brightly.

"Crystal Silverwing and you?"

"Luna Nightwalker."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Luna. So tell me why did you want me to come here?" She took a sip of her tea before putting it down on the coffee table.

"I told you I thought you were different. I've been an outcast in this village from a very young age. The people here believe I'm the cause of all the attacks here recently."


"What kind of attacks are we talking about?" I asked seriously.

"Well I don't know many details, but whenever the victims are found there's just their clothes and a bunch of dust that remains of them." I flinched and dropped my teacup, it shattered against the floor.

"Akuma..." She looked at me a little annoyed because I broke her teacup, but when she saw the look on my face she looked worried.

"Are you alright and what's an Akuma?"

"I'm fine, but this village isnt. An Akuma is a demon, it's what's killing the villagers." She looked like she wanted to laugh.

"Demons really? That's stupid." I stood up.

"Whether you believe it or not it's my job to exorcise these demons, I'm an Exorcist for the Black Order." She shook her head and pointed to the door.

"I thought you were different not crazy please go." I turned and started to leave.

"Luna, be careful. Don't go out at night alone..." I left without another word and started walking.

"General Silverwing." I turned and saw the Clan of Noah I've been running from for the past month.

"Tyki Mikki, it's been a while since I last saw you." He grinned his creepy grin.

"You certainly know how to run. Are you afraid you can't beat me?" I laughed.

"No that's not why I'm running from you. One I made a promise to a friend Id come home safe and two you are family." He flinched back.

"When you sided with the Exorcists I no longer considered you family!" He rushed at me and I noticed all the people had turned to stare.

All Akuma...

I jumped up into the air to dodge. He was following close behind.

Innocence activate!

My wings came out and I sped off into the distance.

Luna! I can't leave her there!

I turned around and rushed back quickly. Tyki had her pinned against the wall of her house.

"Let her go Tyki!" He dropped her and she looked at me scared.

"So you came back for her. Is she that important?" I appeared in front of him before kicking him back into a wall.

"Crystal you have wings!" Luna said as I picked her up.

"Yeah I know, I'll explain once we're away from here." I floated up and that's when all the people turned into Akuma.

"What are those things?!" She cried out.

"Those are Akuma. I told you my job was to exorcise them, because I'm an Exorcist." I shot light at all of them before flying as fast as I could away from the village.

"Was everyone in my village like that?" I nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry... I'll take you to the Black Order." I used my speed to get us to the Order in a matter of an hour. She looked at me as we finally slowed.

"Something keeps poking me from your coat." I landed on the ground and pulled a piece of Innocence out of my coat. It glowed and swirled around Luna. "What the-?!" Once the light disappeared she was holding a huge sword.

"You're an Accommodator of Innocence, which means you're an Exorcist." She froze and looked down at the sword.

"So does that mean I can go with you to the Black Order?" I nodded and she let her sword vanish.

"Let's go. The underground entrance isn't that far from here."

The Noah of Pain (2nd book to His Weakness)Where stories live. Discover now