Chapter 23: Jake and Luke

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Lucy: Hey Kat can I ask you something?
Me: sure Lucy!
Lucy: do you have a boyfriend?
Me: *blushes* n-no why?
Lucy: well you're writing love stories so I thought you did
Me: n-no I just like writing love stories
Lucy: maybe you're like Erza and Levy
Me: ahhhh! Don't compare me to them when it comes to love! Erza and Jellal clearly like each other but refuse to admit it and Levy and Gajeel like each other but refuse to believe it!!!
Levy: wait what?! I don't like that metal head!
Erza: me and Jellal... 0/////////0
Me: exactly my point made.

I've been roaming for about two months now and I haven't come across a single person who reacted to the Innocence I've been carrying.

Numerous times I've been attacked by Akuma and the Clan of Noah, but if it ever got too tough for me I would use my speed to get away.

Currently I was in America and I was in I believe New York. I walked into the town and looked around. It looked like it was completely deserted.

Guess I'll have a look around before leaving again.

I thought and started walking around the town.

"Hey lady!" I heard someone yell. I stopped and looked at the nearest house's window to see two boys who looked exactly alike smiling at me.

"Who are you two?" I asked smiling at them.

"I'm Jake." The boy with a blue tie said.

"And I'm Luke." The boy with the blue scarf said.

"Nice to meet you two, I'm Crystal." I started walking towards the window when I saw the two boys' faces go white.

"Crystal look out!" I had already sensed the Akuma.

"Well, well looks like today is my lucky day an Exorcist, but not just an Exorcist a General." The level 2 Akuma said.

"You Akuma never learn do you?" My clothes changed and I jumped up kicking it straight through the chest. As it exploded the two boys rushed out of their house.

"WHOA!!!! That was so cool!" I giggled and landed on the ground in front of them, letting my body go back to normal.

"That's what an Exorcist can do." I said and they both seemed so intrigued by it. They were about 17 and as much as it pained me to see them look so hopeful I knew they couldn't possibly both be Accommodators.

That's when two pieces of Innocence started reacting in my coat. I pulled them both out and let them fly around the two boys.

"What's happening?!" Luke yelled shocked.

"You two are both Accommodators of Innocence which means you both are Exorcists." Once the Innocence disappeared they both were holding a scythe in one of their hands.

"Whoa! This is cool!" Jake said amazed by the scythe.

"We careful, put those away." They did as I asked and I sighed. "Well I finally found some new Accommodators, you boys come with me so I can explain all of this to you." They followed me without question and we went to a nearby hotel.

"So wait you're a General for an organization called the Black Order and your job is to hunt down these demons called Akuma and find new Accommodators like ourselves?" Luke recapped after I explained.


"And now that we have Innocence we have to go to one of the Branches and become Exorcists, with no contact to our family what-so-ever?" I nodded.

"I can understand if you don't want to, but Akuma will come and attack this place continuously if you continue to live here now that you have Innocence." I thought about my own village. "I know... I've seen it happen to my own village..." They both smiled brightly.

"We weren't going to say no. But we want to go along with you until you head back to the Order." I gave them a shy smile.

"Actually I've already requested a Finder to accompany you back to the European Branch, which is my branch. I have to go find more Accommodators, but I also asked a friend to help you two train so be on your best behavior around him." They both laughed again.

"Alright alright."

"We will." I got up.

"Well the Finder should be here soon, I'll see you two whenever I come back to the Order, so until then be careful."

"I think we should be telling you to be careful. General, we can't wait to see you again." I laughed and waved back at them.

"You sound like a friend of mine, when you get there if you see a boy with red hair and an eyepatch tell him I said hi." And with that I left to continue my travels.

It made me happy that I was making a difference instead of just sitting in the Order waiting for an assignment to come my way.

The Noah of Pain (2nd book to His Weakness)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon