Chapter 40: Final Sacrifice

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Sorry this book is not having a happy ending sorry...

I arrived in Venice in two days, during those two days I thought about all my friends one by one.

It was a sad loneliness that hit me every time I thought about them but I knew that this was for the best.

I stepped on to the shore of the land and started walking towards where my mind and body were leading me. I thought about the memory that was only a disembodied voice.

Once you get in Italy, head towards the tall tower to the south there you will find a staircase hidden from the human eye. Take those stairs and you will come across an alter with a cross at the top of it. The cross shall be your salvation....

The cross shall be your salvation...

I was going to be freed from my burden as a Noah, but one thing changed when I lost my memory. I had nothing to go back to before now I'm leaving all my friends and Lavi.

I found the stairs and looked around, the sun was setting and I knew I had to do this soon before the Earl figured out where I had gone.

Head down the stairs and you will come across an alter...

I followed the instructions and headed down the stairs and sure enough at the end of them an alter was before me. The alter had a pool of water around it like it was going to wash away an sins I had.

The alter will have a cross atop it...

Another check a white cross rose above the alter and I felt my feet move slowly towards the water.

"Welcome my dear..." I froze looking around to find the source of the voice.

"Who's there?!" I called out.

"I am the ruler of the heavens, it is time for you to join the ranks of heaven and take your place as one of my many disciples but you shall have the title of Archangel. Crystalline Archangel of Life."

Crystalline Archangel of Life... Not a bad way to go I guess...

"I understand..." I stepped towards the water.

"Step on the water and recite the Oath of Life."  I stepped on to the water and looked up at the cross that was now glowing.

"The one who's blood was born from hatred and grief shall now bring life and prosperity... I give my life to the world I cherish and love so my ruler take me to the heaven above..."

My voice rang out and almost echoed back.

"I welcome you into heaven my child now you know you have to die the way many before you have." I bowed slightly and felt my body rise up from the water and turn around on to the cross.

The cross shall be your salvation...

Shards of metal pierced my feet and wrists. I felt so much pain but I knew we always have to suffer for the things worth protecting.

"Let your blood drain into the pool and wash away all that has made you sin..." I felt my blood pooling from the wounds and dropping into the pool below.

Is this what it felt like to die... I thought I would know if it was like this, but it's not painful it's blissful...

I thought about my friends in my final moments of consciousness.

Lenalee, you were like a sister to me in this life and I'm so grateful I had you to help look after me and everyone else in the Order. I'll miss you're smiling face...
Allen, you always found a way to make me laugh even when I didn't want to smile. You are like there was a never ending space in your stomach. I'll miss your determination...
Kanda, you may have been horrible to everyone you met but you can't fool me I know under all that hatred is a soft caring person. I'll miss your attitude...
Finally Lavi, I loved you every day since the day I met you. If you hadn't saved me I think I would be dead right now... So please don't be sad when you realize I'm gone... Find someone else who loves you just as much as me... I'll miss you my love...

My eyes closed and I felt my last breath come...

Goodbye... My friends...

"Your duty as an Archangel will bring about peace and prosperity to this world through your powers of Life..." My ruler spoke into my soul as I felt myself being reborn.

I shall protect what I have lost...

The Noah of Pain (2nd book to His Weakness)Where stories live. Discover now