Chapter 37: Allen's Heart

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So yeah Lavi and Crystal fall off the edge and you could say "die" but they're kind of just trapped in a sense with no real way out...

Allen's POV

I watched in horror as not only Lavi and Crystal, but Chaoji too fell down into the darkness below. I screamed and hugged myself as I watched my friends disappear.

"Lavi... Chaoji... Crystal..." Lenalee muttered from beside me.

"Aww poor Crystal, I guess she wanted to die with her boyfriend. I forgot how stupid humans can be with their feelings." The Millennium Earl said laughing.

My anger boiled and I grabbed my sword aka my left arm and attacked the Earl with it.

"This sword... it's exactly like mine." He said surprised as I slammed it down on to his.

"I'll stop you for my friends sake!!" I yelled and pushed back as he flew up into the air.

"Well you won't be able to little Allen Walker. Have fun dying here." He vanished and I clenched the sword tightly.

"Idiot pupil, you can stop the Ark's download. Timcanpy will open the door to the room." I watched as Timcanpy created a doorway and I looked at Lenalee and my Master before walking through it.

"Is there a piano in the room?" I looked around the white room and saw in the corner there was indeed a piano.

"Yes." I answered my Master through the transmitter earring I had.

"You have to play it." I was surprised by that but I walked over to the piano.

"Allen..." I heard a voice and looked towards the window and saw a shadow standing there.

"Y-you're...!" I stumbled over my words. I had seen that shadow before, when I was near death...

"Play the piano, Allen..." It said and I walked over to the piano.

"I don't know how to play the piano." I muttered and that's when Timcanpy sat on the place were the music should have been opening his mouth to reveal the sheet that Mana and I created all those years ago. "Mana... these are the symbols Mana and I created..."

Without me doing anything my hands started playing the Melody on the piano.

"How?! My hands are playing the piano by themselves!" That's when I heard a voice start singing in my head. "Who is singing in my head?!" I yelled and that's when I heard my Master's voice through the transmitter.

"Idiot pupil! Transmit your feelings to the Ark! Stop the download!"

Transmit my feelings...?

"What do you want, Allen? Can you not think of anything you want?" The shadow said.

"What I want... I..." I started playing the piano again and I transmitted my feelings of wanting my friends back.

Finally I slammed my hands down on the keys.

"DONT DISAPPEAR ARK! GIVE ME BACK MY FRIENDS!!!!!!" I yelled and I sensed something changing in the Ark, but what?

"You stopped the download." My Master said through the transmitter.

"Good I'll create a door for you two." I opened a doorway for them and Lenalee came through first smiling brightly.

"You did it, Allen." I smiled back at her and was about to hug her when Lavi's annoying voice came from somewhere in the Ark yelling.

"ALLEN!!!" I sighed and that's when Kanda appeared from a doorway with Krory.

"They're all okay!" I said happily.

"Where's Beanspout?" Kanda asked.

"It's Allen! Bakanda!!" They both seemed surprised to hear my voice.

"That was Allen's voice, but it came from the sky." I sighed and went to go get them.

I'm so happy they're all alive though...

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