Rory: Wilis

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I'm woken up the next morning, not by my alarm as expected, but by two little hands shaking me. I open my eyes to see Pixie's face hovering just inches above mine, her big, luminous green eyes like two planets as they stare down at me. I jump and bite back a scream.

"You scared me!" I gasp.

"This thing is beeping," Pixie whispers, holding up my iPhone, which is indeed flashing my alarm at me. I didn't even hear it.

"Oh thanks, Pixie," I smile, "How are you feeling today?"

"Kinda better. I'm hungry," she says.

"Me too. Let's go down and see what's for breakfast."

I climb out of bed and walk over to the mouth of the staircase in the middle of my room. Austin is still wrapped up in the sleeping bag near the closet. He's lying on his side with his hands curled into fists in front of his face, as if ready to defend himself. In his sleep, his white t-shirt has come up a little, enough for me to see the angry red bruises on his abdomen and back and the plaid band of his boxer shorts. I can't stop staring at that bare patch of skin and can't ignore how badly I want to touch it.

"Should I wake him up?" Pixie asks, yanking me out of my daydreams. She bends down to shake him awake.

"No, let him sleep. We can save his breakfast for him," I say, taking her hand.

Pixie and I head downstairs as I mentally rehearse what I'm going to say to Blanca and Seth. Thank God my dad leaves for the office so early.

"Pixie, I'm gonna tell Blanca that you're here, so is it okay if you wait on the stairs?" I ask quietly.

Pixie nods. "I'll be quiet."

"Thanks." I smile at her. "I'll be right back."

Blanca is in the kitchen cooking up some bacon and eggs. Seth is sitting at the table in his boxer shorts and a t-shirt, his iPad on in front of him.

"Hey," I say.

Blanca turns and smiles at me. "Morning, Rory."

"Listen... there's something I need to explain," I say.

"What?" Blanca asks warily, turning around slowly and putting her hands on her hips. She's heard enough of my "explanations" over the years.

I quickly tell Blanca about all the events leading up to last night. Her eyes grow wide, and Seth is staring at me open-mouthed. I can tell they both think I'm insane for doing this... and maybe I am. I don't care if I am.

"Please, please don't tell Dad. It's not going to be for long, I promise," I finish.

Blanca shakes her head, looking down at the stove. "They're homeless? Rory, how do you know they're... safe people?"

"The little girl is just five and her brother is my age. We've been talking for weeks. It's not like I just found two random people on the side of the road and took them home with me," I say, irritated, "He's my friend."

"So you want me to, what? Entertain them today?" she asks, throwing up a hand.

"No. Just feed them. They're both hungry, and the little girl is getting over Strep Throat. She's waiting on the stairs right now," I say.

"What about the brother?" Seth asks, speaking up for the first time.

"He's still asleep," I say.

Blanca lets out a long sigh. "I don't like it, but bring her in here. I guess I have to feed them. You don't leave me much choice."

"Thanks." I grin, throwing my arms around her. "You're the best!"

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