Author's Note

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Revision is FINISHED!!!! As of 8/17/21

Thank you so much to those of you who voted, commented, or just lurked in the shadows reading anonymously. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments. :)

Hunger is one of the darkest stories I've ever written. I was inspired to write it after attending a seminar about human trafficking and hearing personal stories from victims. It is truly unbelievable to me the depths of evil that exist in the human heart. Just when I think people can't get worse, they do.

Most of the victims of human trafficking are women and children. Runaways face the biggest challenge, as they often find themselves alone and in need of protection, food, and shelter, which makes them easy prey for pimps. Stories like Seth's are the rare exception. Women and children can be kidnapped and sold, but the most vulnerable people are those already on the streets with no one to protect them.

I couldn't get the idea of Austin and Pixie out of my head. I had thought about writing their story for more than a decade before I wrote the first draft of Hunger. Austin's voice was so clear to me, I could literally hear him talking in my head. I wanted to write a story about coming back from the worst place imaginable, about regaining innocence that has been lost. I also wanted to remind people that no matter what others do to your body, they can never have your soul, and at the end of the day, you are in charge of the person you become and the decisions you make.

Thanks again for reading! I gather inspiration from these stars and comments so it means a lot to me! :) Love you all!

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