Austin: Finding Seth

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The truth is, I have no idea where Seth could be, but I do know some universal things about being homeless. A fresh runaway's first priority is shelter/safety, followed closely by food and water and finally all the other little luxuries you take for granted when you have a place to sleep: soap, shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrush, deodorant, clean clothes.

So if Seth left just last night, he's looking for shelter first. But not just any shelter... somewhere safe. What place would he think is safe? Certainly not under a bridge or in a homeless shelter.

If I was a thirteen-year-old-kid with limited experience of being on my own in an urban  environment, I would go somewhere familiar first. If not the girlfriend's then maybe another friend's place or his school.

"Where does he go to school?" I ask Rory.

She looks surprised. "West Oaks Middle. Why?"

"I think I might have an idea. It's just a hunch, but we might as well try."


Thirty minutes later we're parked in front of Seth's dark middle school. It's a sprawling campus with several different buildings. Looking for an opening will take awhile. Luckily no one is in the parking lot. If I was Seth I'd be hiding out in the cafeteria, close to the food. That's where we'll look first.

I tell Pixie to stay in the van as Rory and I get out to scout around. I have my hood on just in case there are cameras.

"Do you know where the cafeteria is?" I ask Rory softly.

"Yeah. I went to school here too. This way," she says.

Eventually we find an unlocked door that leads to the kitchens. The lock looks like it's been badly picked with marks and notches all around the metal keyhole, which might mean my hunch was right.

"I think your brother's been here," I say, pointing at the lock.

Rory nods and carefully pushes open the door.

Inside the vast dark kitchen, we listen for sounds. Light from the street lamps glints off the metal appliances. There's an unpleasant smell of bleach, Lysol and old cafeteria food.

At first it seems like nothing is moving, but then we hear a soft clank of metal from the other end of the room, followed by footsteps. My heart is pounding at the thought of who might be here when Seth walks around the corner of the refrigerator, an open box of cereal in one hand and a big kitchen knife in the other. The hand holding the knife is trembling.

"How the hell did you find me?" he asks, lowering the knife as relief floods his eyes.

His face is pale, and I can tell we scared him as much as he scared us. Rory throws her arms around him.

"Oh my God, Seth! Don't do this to me anymore!" she cries, tears streaming down her face.

When she pulls away, Seth looks surprised, then guilty.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles, turning red.

"I was worried sick!" Rory shouts through her sobs.

"I wasn't running from you, Rory, and I didn't mean to make you worry. You're the only person who gives a shit about me... I didn't mean to hurt you."

"What are you running from?" she asks.

Seth shakes his head. "Can't say."

Rory sighs heavily and leans against the refrigerator. I can see my reflection beside hers in the metal doors, warped beyond recognition.

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