Drifting (Pt. 1)

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*A/N : This is the first fan fiction/imagine/whatever that I have ever written. So. Idk if it's any good or not. Sorry if it isn't! Well. Let's just jump into it!*

"Maker, why does this happen to me?" I sigh, slowly taking a shaky breath.

All around me on the floor are reports, papers, letters, the very things I don't want to be dealing with at current moment. I lean back against the wooden frame of my bed, staring out of the window, looking at the tops of the mountains surrounding Skyhold.

All morning memories have been plaguing my mind, memories of those who have been lost, memories of the way members of the party used to laugh and smile before Corypheus became a larger threat. I miss them, the ones we lost, good people who gave their lives for a cause, lives I couldn't save.

My eyes burn with unshed tears, no doubt my face is bright red. All I want to do is sleep, hoping to escape these thoughts, but these reports have to get done, and these letters have to be tended to. I am the Inquisitor after all, I took on this task, I agreed, now I have to continue through. I can't let anymore people down. A few tears escape from the corners of my eyes, streaking down my cheeks towards my chin.

I stand up, stretching, hoping a short walk through the gardens will help to clear my mind. 'Cullen might even be out there,' a small voice in the back of my mind whispers. I squash the thought immediately. He's my Commander, a former templar. I can't think of him that way. Can I?

I shake my head, my hair falling in my face, sticking to the drying tears. Those kind of thoughts aren't allowed. Not at a time like this. I have to focus on the Inquisition and on defeating Corypheus, not some crush.

Brushing my (h/c) hair out of my face and tucking it behind my pointy ears, I slip my boots on and head out to the main hall. It's deserted, most people still asleep this early in the morning. I walk towards the garden doors, opening the first one, shutting it slowly behind me, and starting to open the second one, only to have it pulled from my hand as someone on the other side pulled it open.

Cullen looks up from the reports in his hand, jumping a bit as he sees me. "Maker! Forgive me Inquisitor, I didn't know you were there." 'It's always Inquisitor with him. Can't he call me by (y/n)? I wonder how my name would sound coming off his lips...' My mind trails off, roaming to the forbidden realms again without my even noticing.

"Inquisitor? Inquisitor? Is everything okay?" Cullen waves his hand in front of my face. I hadn't even noticed that he had stepped back and was holding the door open for me, waiting for me to pass through. "Oh! Yes, yes, everything is quite alright. Sorry, my mind was just somewhere else Commander," I reply, a blush creeping up my neck and onto my cheeks as I rush to get out of his way.

"It's quite okay, is something troubling you?" Cullen asks, concern filling his voice and his beautiful amber eyes.

"No, no. My mind has just been drifting lately. I was hoping that a walk through the garden and some time away from my work would help. Were you busy?" I ask, hoping the blush is fading, and that I didn't just royally embarrass myself in front of him.

"I was actually just heading back to my quarters to work on some reports. I hope your stroll helps, but if you'll excuse me," he replies sheepishly, waving a hand and quietly shutting the door behind himself.

I turn on my heel, slowly walking away from the door. I trail my fingers over the leaves of the elfroot I pass by. 'What if all of the people I care for now perish? All of the people I've come to know, gotten closer to thanks to the Inquisition? What if Cull-.' 'No. Those thoughts are not allowed. They're the whole reason I came out here, to get away from them, to clear my mind.'

I turn and head for one of the little benches, the seats wet with rain from the night before. I wipe as much water as I can from one and sit, leaning my head back to look into the slowly brightening sky. 'It's so pretty out,' I think, listening to the chirp of birds. Slowly my mind calms, and I begin drifting off to sleep, the melodic chirping lulling me into a deep, peaceful sleep.

*Well, there it is! I'm sorry if it wasn't any good!*

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