The Quiet One (Pt. 3 ~Last Part)

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Hey guys, I know its been a really long time since I've updated, and I'm really sorry about that, I've been struggling to make it through college and then I've been having anxiety attacks a lot, so I haven't really been writing. I've wanted to, it's just been too much to try to. Hopefully this makes up for it.... Oh and I think this will be the last part. More than likely.


As I sit in the main hall, the bustle of the celebration echoes around me. Nobles move back and forth, an underlying whisper everywhere, the sounds of nobles gossiping to one another. Even with so many people within the main hall, my heart is still, my eyes barely recognizing the fact that people were glancing at me every so often. They were too busy searching, searching for the bob of a golden head over the crowd again, or to hear a voice call "Shorty". 'What is this? Why do I care so much?'

Just as the celebration comes to a close, and dinner is about to start, I feel a presence behind me. Turning, my gaze going over my shoulder, I see short blonde hair, and large grey eyes. "Hey Shorty. I'm here!" She says, as she plops down unceremoniously in the chair pulled next to the throne. A table had been set up in front of the throne, and extra chairs set for the closest members of the inquisition. I notice Josephine glowering at Sera, her having obviously planned everything down to even where everyone would sit.

"Uh oh, Josie looks kinda mad," I hear Sera whisper in my ear, her eyes locked on the furious Josephine stomping her way to us. Even though she's done speaking, she stays close to my ear, her breaths hitting my bare neck.

"I believe that would be your doing," I explain, my skin still seeming to spark from how close she was. " I think, as one of the advisors, she was planning to sit there."

"Oh," Sera breathes out, a look of disappointment on her face. She starts to get up, bracing her hands against the chair arms to move. I grab her wrist, the touch sending an electric shock through my body, and from the way she jumped and sat back down she must have felt it to. "Don't want me to leave?"

"Not particularly," I say, just as Josephine gets to us. Her long beautiful dress balled up in her fists.

"Sera," she ground out between her teeth, "What do you think you're doing?" You could almost see steam billowing from her ears.

"She's going to sit with me," I blurt out, before Sera could respond. I feel both pairs of eyes on me, Sera smirking, and Josephine looking incredulous.

"But, I'm supposed to sit there," Josephine whines, suddenly reminding me of the toddlers in my clan. They would throw fits if they didn't get their way. "I planned his whole thing, and she's going to ruin it."

My face burned from the confrontation, but I was too far in to just give in. It was time I put my foot down. "I don't care. I want her sitting next to me. And that's final. You can go sit where you planned on having her sit." I get out, surprised to have gotten it out without stuttering. Josephine opens her mouth to respond, but thinks better of it. She closes her mouth, and, head hung low, retreats to a spot between Dorian and the Iron Bull. She stands before the celebration, bidding everyone to eat, and then sits, head still hung low, throwing looks over to Sera.

Sera starts cackling, her hands held over her stomach as she laughs. "What's so funny?" I ask, face burning with embarrassment, afraid I had done something wrong.

"Nothing, nothing," she says between laughs, "I just don't think I've ever seen Josie turn tail and retreat like that before." Another wave of laughter hitting her. As she calms down, she rests hand on my thigh under the table, "Thank you, you didn't need to do that." She doesn't move her hand.

"Yes I did," hyperaware of the contact, I stutter, unsure of my voice, "I need to learn to take more control, especially as the Inquisitor." A smile creeps up on her face, and she sits back, leaving her hand where it is, her thumb stroking my thigh. And that's how we sat through the whole meal, occasionally talking to one another, joking because of a noble's attire or mask every once in a while, or commenting on how uncomfortable Josephine looked, but her hand never straying from my thigh. Towards the end of the dinner, I moved my hand down, resting it on top of hers. I felt her hand move, flipping over, her palm pressed to mine, and her fingers interlaced with mine. Butterflies started in my stomach.


After the dinner was over, and most of the nobles had left the main hall, Sera and I decided to go walk around Skyhold, finding an empty battlement and sitting down. 'Its nice up here, even nicer with Sera here.' A cool breeze flows through, a chill running down my back. "So... What happened?" Sera asks quietly, uncomfortably serious for her.

"What happened when..?" I ask, hoping she isn't going where I think she is.

"In your clan. What happened? Why don't you like to be around people?" 'How did I know this is where she was going?'

"Well, my keeper, did stuff, and he didn't want the rest of the clan to find out, so he forbade me from speaking to the rest of them. He didn't want me to tell them. And if I did try to tell them, he would punish me," I say, avoiding eye contact. 'She can't see me cry' I think, as my face warms and my eyes burn with unshed tears.

"What did he do to you?" She asked softly, her eyes trained on me, a hand moving to my back, rubbing reassuring circles. The dam finally broke, and I was left in a puddle of my own tears, just waiting for the episode to pass because I wouldn't be able to talk through the sobbing. As my body shook, I felt her wrap an arm around me, pulling me into her side, tucking my head under her chin. She rubbed my back, whispering to me that everything would be alright as my body convulsed with sobs.

After I calmed down, I pulled back, distancing my mind from my body to talk, "He would touch me, in places that I didn't want to be touched," I breathed out slowly. "And if I tried to talk to anyone, he would drag me away to his quarters, and beat me before touching me. And he would make me touch him. I never wanted to. I thought that maybe he did it to other girls in the clan, but I was the only one. My body was constantly covered in bruises, my mind always full of fear of him coming around a corner. Once I was old enough I ran away, and that's how everything with the Inquisition started. Because I was trying to run from him. Since I've become Inquisitor, he's sent me letters, bidding me to come visit. But I know it would only be for him to try to take advantage of me again, and then try to strong arm me into doing his work through the Inquisition. I've burned every one of the letters." I stop, my chest light from telling everything.

Sera was silent, she had gone still halfway through. "Sera?" I asked looking at her. Her fists were balled up, her eyes hard, the grey a cold grey now. "Sera?" I ask again, reaching over and touching her arm. She softened, her eyes moved to me, the grey warm again.

"I'm so sorry," she said. "I'm so sorry, I never thought...... I won't let him do it again. I won't let him touch you. Him or any other man," she says, her eyes piercing into my (e/c) ones. My heart speeds up. I throw my arms around her neck, accidently pushing her back onto the stone, my body laying on top of hers.

"Thank you," I whisper, pushing my nose into her neck just below her ear, the tears streaming down my face again. She shifts, rolling over my body so she was on top of me, her body pressed against mine. Her legs intertwined with mine as she interlocked our fingers, gently pulling my arms above my head. Sera lowered her head, brushing her lips along my collarbone, the touch sending shocks all through my body. 'This is so much different. I like this, it doesn't feel like... him.' I smile, Sera's hair brushing my chin. She placed warm butterfly kisses up my neck, the warm spot tracing from my collarbone to the corner of my mouth. She paused, eyes flicking up to mine, "Is this okay?" she asked, concern lacing the lust.

"Definitely," I breath out, as her lips connected with mine, slowly at first. Her lips were soft and delicate, cold, but the kiss was warm, she released my hands, hers running down the sides on my body, slowly kneading areas, until she rested them on my hips. Mine snaked up around her back, holding her against me. She broke away, smirking.

"Would you like to join me in my quarters?" She asked, making my face flush. I nodded, and she pulled me up with her, keeping a hold on my hand as we walked towards the tavern.


I woke to the sun in my face, my (h/c) tangled around me. I look around, noticing I'm not in my normal quarters. I was in Sera's little alcove in the tavern. I tried moving, only to notice I was being held against a chest. I look up into the sleeping face of Sera, my heart skipping a beat, a smile coming over my face. 'I think I can be happy.' I lean up placing a peck on Sera's lips, and snuggle back down into her chest. Letting my fears and worries drift away as I slipped back into sleep.

There it is! I'm sorry its taken so long to get this part out. Hope you all enjoy it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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