Am I Enough? (Pt. 1)

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Hey guys! I hope I've done this justice. It didn't turn out how I was expecting, but I'm working with it. It'll probably just be a two parter. Enjoy!

The first time I saw him, I knew there was something different about him. The way he held himself, the way he spoke, the way he treated the people around him. He had a masculine air to him, and he looked masculine, but deep down there was something different. Maybe I was crazy, maybe not, but I knew I wanted to get to know him, one way or another.

Early one morning, I get a messenger banging on my door. Messy hair, and pajamas, I swing the door open. The messenger jumps, and then cowers away from me. “What. Do. You. Want?” I grind out between clenched teeth.

“Er, uhm. Message from the Iron Bull,” he sticks his hand out with a folded piece of paper. I snatch the paper from him. “Have a good day,” he squeaks out, and then turns tail and runs.

Bull just got back last night too. Why would he send me a messenger at this time?’ Wiping my hand down my face, I walk up the steps and make my way to the desk in my room. Leaning against the edge of the desk, I open the folded piece of paper.

Sorry to wake you up, but there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about, and now seems like the best time. Whenever you get the chance today, could you meet me in the tavern?

I doubt I could get back to sleep, so I decided to go ahead and talk to him. After bathing, I get dressed, brushing my (h/c) hair, and then making my way downstairs, even more tired than before. Walking up to the tavern, I notice Bull outside training, so I make my way around to the backside. He was working with Krem, working on battle moves and maneuvers. Bull rams into Krem, pushing him back but Krem holds his ground. Iron Bull was in his normal armor while Krem was in a oversized undershirt and tight pants. With each move you could see the muscles move and contract in his legs. ‘I wonder what he’d look like without that shirt….. (Y/n) stop. You can’t like think that.’ I stand there for a few more minutes, watching them spar and trying to keep my thoughts clean.

“Oh hey Boss. Give me a minute,” Bull calls when he looks over and sees me. “Krem, go clean up, get something to drink. We’ll continue tomorrow.” Krem nods to Bull, nods to me and walks off. My eyes trail after him as I feel Bull walk up behind me. “Come inside Boss.”

Sitting inside next to Bull, I look around, realizing how empty the tavern was at this time. “So what did you need that was important?” I ask, leaning back in my chair, taking a sip of the water I'd grabbed on the way in.

“Well, I know I said it was important, but I didn’t think you’d be in here this early,” he says with a chuckle.

“With the messenger banging on my door, and waking me up, I doubted that I’d be able to get back to sleep. So here I am,” I say, looking at the door as a soldier walked in.

“Back to what I was wanting to talk to you about,” he says. I look back at him to see him smirking. ‘Uh oh. Why do I have a bad feeling about this?’ My throat suddenly goes dry. I take another sip of water as he continues. “Boss, do you like anyone? And I don’t mean as just friends. You know what I mean.”

Choking a little on my water I sit back up. “I… uh.. I might..? Why do you ask?” A certain young man makes his way into my mind.

“Reasons. I’ve seen the way you look at a certain someone. A certain someone that I happen to know very well,” he starts. I can feel my face heating up, and I avoid eye contact, my eyes trained on the tips of his boots.

“You have?” I sigh, thinking back to all of the times I’ve stolen glances at Krem. Half hoping to make eye contact, but half hoping to not be noticed. I never thought to be aware of anyone else noticing.

“Yes, and that’s why I wanted to talk to you. You should go for it. I’ve seen how he looks at you when you aren’t looking. He’s sweet, and I hate seeing the way he looks so longingly at couples. He deserves someone. And this damned shyness between the two of you is driving me crazy.” My heart speeds up at Bull’s words. ‘Could he really like me?

Looking up, Bull’s smirk is gone, replaced by a smile. “Really?” I ask, thinking I may have heard wrong. “You think he likes me?”

“I don’t think, I know. But you two are driving me nuts. Just talk to him already,” he says, “But, just. Be understanding. Krem is.. different than you think” ‘Different? Different how?

“Different how?” I ask, worried. Bull just sighs.

“That is not my thing to tell you. That’s for him to tell you,” he says as he stands. “I’m off to train some more. I’d talk to Krem later today if I were you.” And with that he strode off through the door, leaving me with my thoughts.


Sitting in the tower, pretending to be reading gave me the chance to sort through my thoughts, and try to decide what I was going to do. ‘Bull said he liked me. But what if Bull’s wrong. And what did he mean by different? Does he have a dark past? A bad family? A fake limb? A scar?’ I grab at my hair, battling with my thoughts. ‘I guess the only thing to do is talk to him.


Making my way to the tavern once again, I feel my heart threatening to beat out of my chest, my hands are sweating, and my mind racing, thinking of all that could go wrong. ‘He could reject me. He could ignore me. He could break my heart later. He could laugh in my face.’ Mustering all the courage I could, I throw the door to the tavern open, expecting to find him in his usual chair near Bull, but it was vacant. ‘Where could he..?’ “He’s in his room boss,” I hear Bull boom from behind me.

Jumping, I move out of the way. “Oh. Okay. Thank you,” I squeak, speed walking away from Bull’s laughter.

I make my way to his room, my mind once again racing. I stop in front of his door, debating whether to turn my ass around and hide in my room. Deciding to just go through with it, and knock on his door. “Come in!” I hear him call through the door.

My heart beat doubles again, and I push open the door. I’m met with the Krem’s bare muscular back, and him struggling to wrap a bandage around his chest. 'He’s hurt!?'He turns, “Hey chief,” he calls, his eyes growing wide as he realizes who it is. “Oh Inquisitor!” I look to notice that what he was wrapping wasn’t a wound but… breasts.

Krem was a woman.

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